GFR regulation mechanisms primarily affect which of the following?

Here is the answer to GFR regulation mechanisms primarily affect which of the following?

It’s one question of the MCAT practice tests (Human Anatomy & Physiology basic part ).

GFR regulation mechanisms primarily affect which of the following?

  1. glomerular hydrostatic pressure (HPg)
  2. capsular osmotic pressure (OPc)
  3. capsular hydrostatic pressure (HPc)
  4. blood osmotic pressure (OPg)

The correct answer of GFR regulation mechanisms primarily affect which of the following is below.

GFR regulation mechanisms

First, let’s talk about the function of tube ball feedback.

As the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) increases, the renal tubules sense increased ions, and the negative feedback retracts the incoming bulbous and diastolic bulbous arterioles, thereby reducing the GFR.

When the glomerular filtration rate is reduced, the ions sensed by the renal tubules are reduced, and through negative feedback, the bulbous arterioles dilate and the bulbous arterioles retract, thus playing the role of increasing the GFR.

No aldosterone was involved in the tube-ball feedback process. The renal tubules since the signals that modulate the glomerulus and that’s where the tubulosphere feedback gets its name.

Now let’s talk about the mechanics in detail.

As the GFR increases, the amount of NaCl filtered by the glomerulus increases, and the amount of NaCl transferred to the distal concentric tubule increases. The plaques compactus sense the increased ion concentration, which in turn tells the bulbous arterioles of the glomerulus to contract and reduce the secretion of renin.

  • Contracting the bulbous arterioles reduces glomerular hemofiltration, thereby lowering the GFR.
  • Reduced Renin secretion reduces the production of Ang II through the RAAS system. We know that the main function of Ang II in the kidney is to retract bulbar arterioles. Now, when Ang II is reduced, the bulbous arterioles dilate relative to each other, thereby lowering the GFR.

GFR is reduced in two ways. Although aldosterone is the last step of the RAAS system, it does not participate in the regulation of GFR. So aldosterone does not participate in the tube ball feedback.

Conversely, when the glomerular filtration rate is reduced, the bulbous arterioles are dilated and Renin secretion is increased through the same process. Thus, it has the effect of increasing the GFR.

Correct Answer

Here is the correct answer to GFR regulation mechanisms primarily affect which of the following?

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