Interstitial fluid represents one type of extracellular material.

Here is the answer to Interstitial fluid represents one type of extracellular material. We collected it as a MCAT practice test question.

Interstitial fluid represents one type of extracellular material.

Interstitial fluid represents one type of extracellular material. Does it true or False?

  1. True
  2. False

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Interstitial Fluid

The interstitial fluid is filtered through the plasma of the capillary wall and is extremely permeable to small masses of water, electrolytes, and dissolved substances. Interstitial fluid is located in the spaces surrounding the kidney.

There is an intercellular substance between cells. Cells in human tissues are infiltrated in the intercellular fluid.

Epithelial tissue cells have the least intercellular substance and connective tissue cells have more intercellular substance.  

The interstitial fluid is a substance produced by cells that do not have cellular form and structure, and it includes fibers, matrix, and fluid substances (tissue fluid, lymph fluid, plasma, etc.).   
The interstitial fluid plays a supporting, protective, linking, and nutritional role for cells, and participates in forming the microenvironment in which cells live.  

The interstitial fluid is the fluid environment in which the cells of the body live. The interstitial fluid contains all the substances that cells need for metabolism.

Likewise, the interstitial fluid receives the metabolic products, or unused substances, of the cells. There is a constant exchange of substances between the cell and the fluid: taking in oxygen and nutrients and expelling waste products such as carbon dioxide.  

The interstitial fluid is constantly renewed so that the cell itself is not destroyed by the waste products produced.  

In layman’s terms, the interstitial fluid is the substance between cells, that is, one or more substances that exist between cells that are different from the cells parenchymal cells can be described as the cells within an organ that undertake the functions of that organ, and interstitial cells are those cells that exist within that organ that assist the parenchymal cells in accomplishing the functions of the organ.   

For example, neural progenitor cells in the brain are parenchymal cells, and glial cells play the role of supporting nutritional nerve cells, which are considered a kind of interstitial cells, and then liver cells are parenchymal cells, and fiber cells between liver lobules are interstitial cells, which play a supporting role.

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