Which of the following is not a function of the kidneys?

Here is the answer for Which of the following is not a function of the kidneys? This quiz test belongs to the biology practice test.

Which of the following is not a function of the kidneys?

  1. regulation of blood pressure
  2. storage of fat
  3. elimination of waste
  4. regulation of blood volume

The correct answer for which of the following is not a function of the kidneys is below.

Kidney and Functions of Kidneys

The kidney is the most important organ in the human urinary system, and in the blood circulation system, it undertakes the important mission of filtering metabolic waste and excreting it from the body and reabsorbing various nutrients!

Kidneys are located in the upper posterior part of the abdominal cavity, one on each side of the spine, and are influenced by the liver, with the right kidney generally slightly lower than the left by 1-2 cm. In addition to the kidneys, the urinary system also includes the ureter, bladder and urethra, and the main function of the urinary system is excretion.

The kidney is shaped like an enlarged version of a fava bean, and each kidney weighs about 100-200 grams, with a soft texture, making it a substantial organ. The kidney cortex is reddish brown, divided into two parts: the outer edge of the kidney is convex, the inner edge is concave, and the middle of the concave surface is the renal hilum. All blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels enter the kidney from this, and the renal pelvis exits the kidney.

And the renal unit is the basic unit that makes up the structure and function of the kidney, including the renal tubules and the renal corpuscles. Each kidney has about one million kidney units. The renal unit is an important system of material exchange and energy transfer in the kidney, including the process of glomerular filtration of blood to form primary urine and the reabsorption of nutrients by the renal tubules and collecting ducts and their capillary material exchange.

Therefore, the renal unit is the basic unit of the kidney microcirculatory system and plays a decisive role in the normal operation of the kidney functions.

What are the functions of the kidneys?

The glomeruli, caplets and tubules of the kidney work in close coordination and mutual cooperation. This ensures the normal functioning of the kidney function and the urinary system. Through a complex and sophisticated operating mechanism, it maintains the normal operation of all life activities of the body.

What are the important functions of the kidneys?

  • Maintain water balance through urine production.

Blood flows through the kidneys, passes through the filtration membrane to form primary urine, and is reabsorbed through the renal tubules and collecting ducts to form final urine, which sinks into the renal pelvis and is excreted out of the body.

  • Excretion of metabolites and harmful substances in the body

The kidneys can excrete most of the metabolic wastes produced by the metabolism of human body, including more than 100 kinds of metabolic wastes and toxic substances represented by urea nitrogen, creatinine, uric acid and so on. It can also excrete toxic substances such as chemicals and pollutants that enter the body, preventing the accumulation of waste in the body and causing various diseases.

  • The kidneys can maintain the balance of body fluids, electrolytes and acid-base balance of body fluids.

The kidneys can maintain the body’s fluid and electrolyte balance through the absorption and excretion of various ions (electrolytes) such as sodium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium ions in the body by the distal tubules of the collecting duct.

The kidneys can also excrete the acidic substances produced during metabolism through urine and control the ratio of acidic and alkaline substances excreted to maintain the acid-base balance in the body.

  • The kidneys also have endocrine functions that are essential to the human body.

It secretes renin, prostaglandin and kinin, and regulates human blood pressure through renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and kinin-bradykinin-prostaglandin system. Therefore, hypertension is to some extent related to the abnormal level of related hormones secreted by the kidneys.

The kidneys secrete erythropoietin, which promotes iron uptake and utilization by the bone marrow, accelerates hemoglobin and red blood cell production, and stimulates bone marrow hematopoiesis. The kidneys also secrete activated vitamin D3, which regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism.

In addition, the kidneys are also the site for the degradation of many endocrine hormones – such as insulin and gastrointestinal hormones, which can effectively maintain the normal operation of the human digestive system for the metabolism and decomposition of nutrients.


Below is the right answer of Which of the following is not a function of the kidneys?

  • B. storage of fat

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