The functional unit of the kidney is the___?

Here is the answer for the functional unit of the kidney is the___? or what is the functional unit of the kidney called?

The functional unit of the kidney is the___?

Below is the correct about what is the functional unit of the kidney called?

First, let’s learn more about Nephron Number and Blood Pressure.

Nephron Number and Blood Pressure

Adults with essential hypertension have been found to have a lower number of rental units compared to subjects with normal blood pressure.

Although birth weight in these studies is unknown, the association supports the role of lower renal unit counts in the development of hypertension.

In the same group of subjects who had blood pressure and birth weight, significant correlations were found between birth weight and renal unit count, blood pressure and renal unit count, and blood pressure and birth weight in Caucasian subjects.

These relationships did exist did not reach significance in African American subjects; however, the prevalence of hypertension was twice as high in African Americans with a lower than the average number of rental units.

This suggests that developmental procedures may contribute to the risk of hypertension in this population. The observation that salt sensitivity is more prevalent in subjects with lower birth weight is consistent with a possible role of kidney unit count.


The functional unit of the kidney is the___? or what is the functional unit of the kidney called?

The nephron is the structural and functional unit of the kidney.  It comprises of a coiled renal tubule and a vascular network of peritubular capillaries.

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