What does RHIME stand for in medical abbreviation?

What does the medical term RHIME stand for?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation RHIME. However, what does the RHIME medical term mean?

What does RHIME medical abbreviation stand for?

In medical field, However, the medical abbreviation RHIME stands for Research and Humanities In Medical Education.

RHIME: Research and Humanities In Medical Education

Related Medical Abbreviations

A-MIBIAdenosine MIBI
ADFAAustralian Doctors for Africa
AFDAttention Fixation Disorder
AI-HIAvian Influenza Hemmaglutination Inhibition
AKIAcute Kidney Injury
AODMAdult-onset diabetes mellitus
B&CBoard and Care
B-ALLB-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
BETBenign Essential Tremor
BHAIBehavioral Health Affiliate of Iowa
BPI-SFBrief Pain Inventory – short form
CEGConsensus Error Grid
CFSchronic fatigue syndrome
CPcleft palate; chest pain; cerebral palsy; cicatricial pemphigoid; cardiopulmonary
CSculture and sensitivity; completed stroke; close supervision; clinically significant; chondroitin sulfate; cesarean section; cardiogenic shock; cardiac sphincter
DC(S)Dendritic Cell(S)
DISHADigital Information Security in Healthcare Act
EENTeye, ear, nose, and throat
EPSElectro-Physiologic Study
FAIfunctional assessment inventory
FBSFasting Blood Sugar
FELTPField Epidemiology and Lab Training Program
FOForeign Object
GRgrand rounds; glucocorticoid receptor
HDVCHealth for Disabled and Vulnerable Children
HHSCHealth Home Serving Children
HLAhuman leukocyte antigen; human lymphocyte antigen
HLLHigh Liquid Level
HSDDhypoactive sexual desire disorder
HSPIHealth Strategy and Policy Institute
HUSHemolytic Uremic Syndrome
IBVInfectious Bronchitis Virus
IDDMInsulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
INHTInstitute of Natural Health Technologies
IVDUIntravenous Drug Use
IVRAintravenous regional anesthesia
IVUintravenous urography
JDRHJoint Department of Reproductive Health
JVIJournal of Virology
LBBBLeft Bundle Branch Block
LINLaryngeal Intraepithelial Neoplasia
LOFloss of function
LYNCLaunch Your Nursing Career
MHOACMedical Health Operational Area Coordinator
MHUCMental Health Urgent Care
MRSPMethicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Pseud intermediums
NAFLDnon-alcoholic fatty liver disease
NCIDNational Centre for Infectious Diseases
NMnon monitored; nodular melanoma; neuromuscular
NMAANuclear Medicine Advanced Associate
OBS/OBDorganic brain syndrome/organic brain disorder
OMIof the Medical Investigator
PHSAAPublic Health Sciences Alumni Association (University of Alberta; Canada)
POAGprimary open-angle glaucoma
PSGNPoststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis
QMPqualified medical practitioner
RGUHSRajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
RLFretrolental fibroplasia
RVEFright ventricular ejection factor
RVHright ventricular hypertrophy
SASHSaline Antibiotics Saline and Heparin
SCCASquamous Cell Cancer
SCNsuprachiasmatic nucleus
SFHSSt. Francis Heart Study
SIMDsubstance-induced mood disorder
SPFSun Protection Formula
SSSSstaphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
SScsystemic sclerosis
STTshort term tests
TBAto be admitted; to be announced
TEBTemporary Eye Bypass
TETTubal Embryo Transfer
UB2Urinary Bladder 2 acupuncture point
UDABurine drugs of abuse
UMDSUnited Medical and Dental Schools
UVCumbilical venous catheter
VAVisual Acuity
VERvisual evoked response
VLDLvery low density lipoprotein
a.c.Before meals. As in taking a medicine before meals.
a/g ratioAlbumin to globulin ratio.
anti-HCVHepatitis C antibodies

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