What does U/S medical abbreviation mean?

What does the abbreviation U/S stand for in medical terms?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of U/S abbreviation. However, what does the medical abbreviation U/S mean?

What does U/S medical abbreviation mean?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation U/S stands for ultrasound.

U/S: ultrasound

Related Medical Abbreviations

B-Medbehavioral medicine
BRAOBranch Retinal Artery Occlusion
BS&Obilateral salpingectomy and oophorectomy
C/TGcholesterol/triglyceride ratio
CHLconductive hearing loss
CSPcarotid sinus pressure
DDAVPdesmopressin acetate
DVMDoctor of Veterinary Medicine
ETTExercise Tolerance Test; also Endotracheal Tube
F&NFebrile and Neutropenic
FFLflexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy
FFPEfresh-frozen paraffin-embedded tissue
GABRB3GABAA receptor gene
H&Lheart and lungs
HSMHolo-Systolic Murmur; also Hepato-Splenomegaly
IDUidouridizine; idoxuridine; injection drug user
IOVinitial office visit
IPPBintermittent positive pressure breathing
L-3third lumbar vertebra
LTVlong-term variability
MENmultiple endocrine neoplasia
Minminute; minimum
NFPnatural family planning
NMJneuromuscular junction
PEEPpositive end expiratory pressure
PR/Rper rectum/rectal
PSOpatient services office
PUBSpercutaneous umbilical blood sampling
R/ORule Out
RLWright lateral wrist
RPLNDRetroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection
RPMrevolutions per minute
SCDsequential compression device; sudden cardiac death
SHEsafety, health and environment
STVshort term variability
TCCTransitional Cell Cancer
TCDtranscranial doppler
TGFtransforming growth factor
TPNTotal Parenteral Nutrition
UECurgent and emergency care
bicarb(Sodium) bicarbonate
csconditioned stimulus
deldelivery, delivered
eGFRestimated glomerular filtration rate [case sensitive]
o.m.every morning (omni mane)
perperiod(ic); for each; through or by

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