What does CFS medical abbreviation stand for?

What does the abbreviation CFS stand for in medical terms?

The abbreviation CFS may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation CFS stand for?

What is the CFS medical abbreviation?

In medical field, the CFS medical abbreviation stands for chronic fatigue syndrome.

CFS: chronic fatigue syndrome

Related Medical Abbreviations

BCCPbreast and cervical cancer (treatment) program
FRSflexed rotated side bent
RPradial pulse; Raynaud’s phenomenon; retrograde pyelography; retinitis pigmentosa
QPNGquinolone-resistant neisseria gonorrhea
GGgamma globulin
MCDmultiple carboxylase deficiency
HAQhealth assessment questionnaire
extextremity; extend; exterior, external; extract
LMNLower Motor Neuron
FHBflexor hallucis brevis; fetal heartbeat
FIFOfirst in, first out
WAISWechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
PSOpatient services office
PtPlatinum (element)
MERTmedical emergency response team
FGFfibroblast growth factor
HDNhemolytic disease of the newborn
PAFparoxysmal atrial fibrillation; platelet activating factor
CRPScomplex regional pain syndrome
ODDoppositional defiant disorder
qhevery hour
SrStrontium (element)
EUAemergency use authorization; examination under anesthesia; examination under anesthetic
PASGpneumatic anti-shock garments

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