What is SCN medical abbreviation?

What does the medical term SCN stand for?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the SCN abbreviation. However, what is the medical abbreviation SCN?

What does SCN medical abbreviation mean?

In the medicine field, the SCN abbreviation stands for suprachiasmatic nucleus.

SCN: suprachiasmatic nucleus

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADRAdverse Drug Reaction
BDBuerger disease; behavioral disorder; birth date; brain dead
BNFBritish National Formulary
BRBed Rest
BRVOBranch Retinal Vein Occlusion
CBSCcord blood stem cells
CIScarcinoma in situ
CLTCcitizens for long-term care
COMchronic otitis media
CPAcerebellopontine angle; costophrenic angle
CTCcomputed tomographic colonography; circulating tumor cell; common toxicity criteria; chlortetracycline
D/Adate of admission
DCDischarge; Discontinue; Doctor of Chiropractics
DISIDAdiisopropyl iminodiacetic acid (cholescintigraphy)
EENTeye, ear, nose, and throat
ERPeffective refractory period; emergency response plan
F-V loopflow volume loop
F/BFollowed By
FENAFractional Excretion of Sodium
FOOSHFall On Outstretched Hand
GDMgestational diabetes mellitus
Hb A1cglycosylated hemoglobin
ITTinsulin tolerance test; intent to treat
LOFAleft outer forearm
M2mitral second sound
MCFmiddle cranial fossa
MLBWmoderate to low birthweight
MSRmotor sensory reflex
NAFnotice of adverse findings
NVSneurological vital signs
PIIpersonally identifiable information
QS/QSintrapulmonary shunting
RKradial keratotomy
RMArefuse(s) medical assistance; right medial ankle
SAARDslow-acting antirheumatic drug(s)
SKSeborrheic Keratosis; also Streptokinase
SPCspecialist palliative care; statistical process control
TABThreatened Abortion; also Therapeutic Abortion
TGVthoracic gas volume
TKEterminal knee extension
VHFvery high frequency; viral hemorrhagic fever
VREvancomycin-resistant enterococci
VVIventricular inhibited mode of pacing
WBATWeight Bearing As Tolerated
eGFRestimated glomerular filtration rate [case sensitive]
t.i.d.Three times daily. As in taking a medicine three times daily.

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