What is UB2 medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation UB2 mean?

There may be more than one meaning of UB2. However, what does the medical term UB2 mean?

What is UB2 medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the medical term UB2 means Urinary Bladder 2 acupuncture point.

UB2: Urinary Bladder 2 acupuncture point

Related Medical Abbreviations

BAVBicuspid Aortic Valve
BBHDBristol Burlington Health District
BFPbiological false-positive; of a pregnancy test big fat positive
BFU-EBurst-Forming Unit-Erythroid
BHSbehavioral health services; beta-hemolytic streptococci
BKMCBacha Khan Medical College
BPDBorderline Personality Disorder; also Bi-Polar Disorder and Broncho-Pulmonary Dysplasia
BPdblood pressure, diastolic
BWFIBacteriostatic Water For Injection
CALRChronische Aspecifieke Lage Rugpijn
CASHCambridge Action for Sexual Health
CAUchild and adolescent unit; clinical assessment unit
CCSHCertification in Clinical Sleep Health
CMCcarpo metacarpal
CMGBClub Medical du Grand Boulogne
COMUCollege Of Medicine Undergraduate
CPAACCentral Pennsylvania Asthma and Allergy Care
CSAcyclosporin A; central sleep apnea; Controlled Substances Act
CSVTCerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis
DAHdisordered action of the heart
DFDBADemineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allografts
DFSPdermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
DUDuodenal Ulcer
E&Aevaluate and advise
ECHSEx-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme
FTKAFailed To Keep Appointment
GBMSGreater Baden Medical Services
GDMOGeneral Duty Medical Officers
GSGram Stain
HAHTHuman and Animal Health Team
HDCTHigh Dose Cytotoxic Therapy
HHChome health care
HINTHealth Insurance Navigation Tool
HIRSHealth Information and Resources Service
HOMBREHonduras Outreach Medical Brigada Relief Effort
HRTHormone Replacement Therapy
HSNHHigh Street Natural Health
IBTCIdaho Brain Tumor Center
ICUIntensive care unit. The patient was moved to the intensive care unit.
IFRinfection fatality ratio; instrument flight rules
IMIAInternational Medical Informatics Association
KELSKohlman Evaluation of Living Skills
KIpotassium iodine
L/minliters per minute
LABAlong-acting beta agonist
LIMHPLicensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner
LuLutetium (element)
MASHmobile army surgical hospital
MCHEManchester Centre for Health Economics
MHRSMental Health Related Services
MIMyocardial Infarction
MIGRMitochondria Interest Group Rome
MITMedical Information Technology
MRAmagnetic resonance angiography
NODNot Otherwise Diagnosed
NUGnecrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
NVSneurological vital signs
PBOELPerformance-Based Occupational Exposure Limit (Industrial Hygiene)
PODpostoperative day; post operative day
POLSTphysician orders for life-sustaining therapy
PRBperformance review board
PSEUDOEPH SULFPseudoephedrine Sulfate
PaO2arterial oxygen partial pressure [case sensitive]
R&Wrecreation and welfare
RCTRandomized Controlled Trial; Rotator Cuff Tear
RDWred cell distribution width
RPFrenal plasma flow
RVVCrecurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis
SCMOHSub County Medical Officer of Health
SFsugar free; serum ferritin; safety factor; synovial fluid
SGSwan-Ganz catheter; specific gravity; skin graft; suicide gesture
SS#Social Security Number
SSPEsubacute sclerosing panencephalitis
TDWBtouch down weight bearing
TEPtracheo-esophageal puncture
TOtelephone order
TXTransfusion; Treatment
Tdaptetanus diphtheria pertussis vaccine
UToxurine toxicology screen (for drugs)
ZOTUZero-radius OTU (Operational Taxonomic Unit)
n.p.o.nothing by mouth (nil per os)
ngnasogastric; nanogram (billionth of a gram)
obstobstruct, obstruction
optoptimal; optical
ptspatient, patients

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