What does GIA stand for in medical abbreviation?

What is GIA in medical terms?

In some cases, the abbreviation GIA may have a few different meanings. However, what is the meaning of the GIA medical abbreviation?

What does GIA stand for in medical abbreviation?

In medical field, the GIA medical abbreviation stands for GastroIntestinal Anastomosis.

GIA: GastroIntestinal Anastomosis

Related Medical Abbreviations

+++Present in Excess
ACLSAdvanced Cardiac Life Support
Ad libAt liberty. For example, a patient may be permitted to move out of bed freely and orders would, therefore, be for activities to be ad lib.
BCPSBoard Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist
BFU-EBurst-Forming Unit-Erythroid
BKbelow the knee
BRUbiomedical research unit
BSSbalanced salt solution
BVASBirmingham Vasculitis Activity Score
BVTbilateral ventilation tube(s)
CD8cytotoxic T lymphocytes
CEMCHCenter of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health
CEWRClinical Epidemiology Ward Round
CLAcertified laboratory assistant
CMGBClub Medical du Grand Boulogne
CMRUCanon Medical Research USA
CNMCCentral Nebraska Medical Clinic
COPEchronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema
CVLCentral Venous Line
CWRcanal wall reconstruction
DBSdeep brain stimulation; dorsal blocking splint
DFMCDelmarva Foundation for Medical Care
DOPTdirectly observed preventative therapy
EBPEvidence-Based Practice
EHLelectrohydraulic lithotripsy; extensor hallucis longus
EPIecho planar imaging; epidemiology or epidemiologist
EPSTDEarly Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment
ERAPEmergency Radiology Anesthesiology and Pathology
FAIRFacilitates,Allows,Inhibits,Restricts (occupational participation)
FBPfetal biophysical profile
FDPflexor digitorum profundus; fibrin degradation products
FWSIFunctional & Wellness Sciences Institute
Ft.make (fiat)
I&DIncise and Drain
ICHIntra-Cranial Hemorrhage
IDVindinavir (antiviral drug)
IHMRIIllawarra Health & Medical Research Institute
IPPintermittent positive pressure
IPSidiopathic pneumonia syndrome
ISMHInternational Society of Men’s Health
IVHintraventricular hemorrhage
JPHAJapan Public Health Association
KAFOknee ankle foot orthosis
LAIVlive attenuated influenza vaccine
LLleft lateral
LOMSAleft otitis media, suppurative, acute
LOSlength of stay
LPNLicensed Practical Nurse
LUTSLower Urinary Tract Symptoms
MALmid-axillary line
MCHmean corpuscular hemoglobin; maternal and child health
MDEmajor depressive episode
MERTUMedical Entomological Research and Training Unit
MHImild head injury
MI-CDmentally ill and chemically dependent
NCCAOMNational Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
NCIMSNorth Carolina Integrative Medical Society
NFTDnormal full term delivery
NICUNeonatal Intensive Care Unit
NINRnational institute of nursing research
NIPENewborn and Infant Physical Examination
NNHNumber Needed to Harm
NO2nitrous oxide
NSNormal Saline
OMCHOrebro Medical Centre Hospital
OWMOffice for Women in Medicine
PAHpara-aminohippurate; polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon
PHMOPublic Health Medical Officers
PPHNpersistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
PVRPost Void Residual
PVTparoxysmal ventricular tachycardia
QNSQuantity Not Sufficient
ROMIFRelease Of Medical Information Form
RSVIrespiratory syncytial viral infection(s)
RUQRight Upper Quadrant
S2second heart sound
SPCASociety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPFSun Protection Formula
T&CType and Cross
TDTCToronto Drug Treatment Court
TTETrans-Thoracic Echocardiogram
TcPCO2transcutaneous carbon dioxide
WAwhile awake
mg/dlmilligrams per deciliter
noct.in the night (nocte)
pIgRpolymeric immunoglobulin receptor
After meals. As in take two tablets after meals.

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