What does NCCAOM mean in medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the NCCAOM medical abbreviation?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of NCCAOM abbreviation. However, what does the medical abbreviation NCCAOM mean?

What is the NCCAOM medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the NCCAOM medical term mean National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

NCCAOM: National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

Related Medical Abbreviations

A-aAlveolar Arterial gradient
ANDAxillary Node Dissection
BACblood alcohol concentration; bronchoalveolar cells
BSNBachelor of Science in Nursing; bowel sounds normal
BtBacillus thuringiensis
C DIFClostridium Difficile
C-spinecervical spine
CABGCoronary Artery By-Pass Graft
CCHMCCincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center
CETRcare, education and treatment review
CHFCongestive Heart Failure
CICClean Intermittent Catheterization
CLDDCross Linked Diethylaminoethyl Dextran
CRNAcertified registered nurse anesthetist
CTPcolor, temperature, pulse
CVPCentral Venous Pressure
CWRcanal wall reconstruction
DISCUSdyskinesia identification system condensed user scale
DNKAdid not keep appointment
DQMWDr Quinn, Medicine Woman
E&Aevaluate and advise
ECOEEpilepsy Centers Of Excellence
EESErythromycin (erythromycin ethylsuccinate)
ESBelectrical stimulation of the brain
ESLDEnd Stage Liver Disease
ETSenvironmental tobacco smoke (exposure)
FACCFellow of the American College of Cardiology
FZIFibrinogen Zurich I
GAGeneral Anesthesia
GFgrandfather; glomerular filtrate
GMOgenetically modified organism
HACEHigh Altitude Cerebral Edema
HB SAhepatitis B surface antigen
HLHeparin Lock
HRAhealth risk assessment
IBDQInflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire
ICSintercostal space; inhaled corticosteroid
IDHischemic heart disease; isocitrate dehydrogenase
IGimmune globulin(s)
IGFinsulin-like growth factor
IGF-1insulin-like growth factor 1
ITBiliotibial band
IgAimmunoglobulin A
JE-MBInactivated, mouse brain-derived Japanese encephalitis vaccine (JE-Vax®) (no longer available)
LETZloop electrosurgical excision procedure
LGIlower gastrointestinal
LGSILlow-grade squamous, intra-epithelial lesion
LOMSCHleft otitis media, suppurative, chronic
M-CSFmacrophage colony-stimulating factor
MCHBMaternal and Child Health Bureau
MDEmajor depressive episode
MDLMedical DeviceLink
MIMyocardial Infarction
MICmethyl isocyanate; minimum inhibitory concentration
MMSEmini mental state examination
MUMCMcMaster University Medical Centre
NBTNF/Mnewborn, term, normal, female/male
NMSNeuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
OCoral contraceptive; osteocalcin; obstetrical conjugate; oleoresin capsicum; oral cavity
OOTout of town
PAPosterior-Anterior; also Physician’s Assistant
PCCPoison Control Center
PDDpervasive development disorder
POSproblem oriented system; point of service
PPIProton Pump Inhibitor
PSCPrimary Sclerosing Cholangitis
PTAPrior To Admission; Peritonsilar Abscess
PTRplatelet transfusion reaction
PhDDoctor of Philosophy
PmPromethium (element)
QISqualified in specialty
QWLquality of work life
RNAribonucleic acid
RUAright upper arm
RUGRetrograde Urethrogram
SFISpondylitis Functional Index
SILsquamous intraepithelial lesion
TIDThree times per day
TPRtemperature, pulse, respiration; total peripheral resistance
TURBTTransurethral Resection Bladder Tumor
TbTerbium (element)
UVGIultraviolet germicidal irradiation
V&PVagotomy and Pyloroplasty

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