What is the TURBT medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation TURBT mean?

The abbreviation TURBT may have a few different meanings. However, what is the meaning of the medical abbreviation TURBT?

What is the TURBT medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation TURBT means Transurethral Resection Bladder Tumor.

TURBT: Transurethral Resection Bladder Tumor

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADAAmerican Diabetes Association
ADRAdverse Drug Reaction
BAEPbrainstem auditory evoked potentials
BSLEbullous systemic lupus erythematosus
CAMcomplementary and alternative medicine
CCCCentral Corneal Clouding
CPBcompetitive protein binding
CRS-RConners Rating Scales-Revised
CTAClear To Auscultation
DB&Cdeep breathing and coughing
DFADirect Fluorescent Antibody
DOIdigital object identifier; date of injury
DOLdepartment of labor
DTRDeep Tendon Reflex
FTAfluorescent treponema antigen (test for syphilis)
GUGenito-Urinary; also Gastric Ulcer
H2SO2sulfuric acid
HClhydrochloric acid (hydrogen chloride)
HRTHormone Replacement Therapy
IDDinsulin dependent diabetes
IGRintrauterine growth retardation
JAMAJournal of the American Medical Association
LGMleft upper outer gluteus maximus
LTElife-threatening event; less than effective
MIVAmonitored intravenous anesthesia
MMTmanual muscle test
MOImechanism of injury
NHLNon-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
ONSoncology nursing society
PCWPPulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure
PMPprevious menstrual period
PVRPost Void Residual
QODEvery Other Day
QS/QSintrapulmonary shunting
RATrapid assessment and treatment
RUDright uterine displacement
SCIDsevere combined immunodeficiency
SIVPslow intravenous push
STGshort-term goals; serum triglycerides
TIBCTotal Iron Binding Capacity
TPItreponema pallidum immobilization (syphilis test); trigger point injection
WGLwithin good limits
cDNAcomplementary DNA
decubdecubitus (lying down)
h.s.At bedtime. As in taking a medicine at bedtime.
hor. sombedtime
qPMEach evening. As in taking a medicine each evening.
uPAurokinase plasminogen activator

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