What is BRU medical abbreviation?

What is the medical abbreviation BRU?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation BRU. However, what does the medical term BRU mean?

What is BRU medical abbreviation?

In the medicine field, the BRU abbreviation stands for biomedical research unit.

BRU: biomedical research unit

Related Medical Abbreviations

BBTbasal body temperature
CCCAcentral centrifugal cicatricial alopecia
CTBcease to breathe; chronic tuberculosis
G-tubegastrostomy tube
G6Pglucose 6 phosphate
GABRB3GABAA receptor gene
GPCGram Positive Coccus
GSRgalvanic skin response
HBVhepatitis B vaccine; hepatitis B virus
HEPhome exercise program
HPVHuman Papilloma Virus
ICTinsulin coma therapy
IOMInstitute of Medicine
IVPBintravenous piggyback
LHRHLeutinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone
LUTleft upper thigh
MSOFmulti system organ failure
MVPMitral Valve Prolapse
NIHSSNational Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
NRMnon-rebreathing mask
PHPpartial hospitalization program; primary health care provider
PPROMpreterm premature rupture of membranes
PRBCsPacked Red Blood Cells
PUBSpercutaneous umbilical blood sampling
PVCPremature Ventricular Contraction
RTWreturn to work
RUOresearch use only
SHEsafety, health and environment
SIEstroke in evolution
SRTspeech reception threshold on audiometry
TNFTumor Necrosis Factor
TTtilt table; thrombin time; total thyroidectomy; tetanus toxoid
TUIPtransurethral incision of the prostate
UFRultrafiltration rate
VCUGVoiding Cysto-Urethrogram
WNVWest Nile Virus
WNWDwell-nourished, well-developed
X&Dexamination and diagnosis
csconditioned stimulus
hor. sombedtime
kDNAkinetoplast DNA
nDNAnative DNA
part. vic.in divided doses (partitis vicibus)
q.l.as much as wanted (quantum libet)

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