What is LL medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation LL?

The LL abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what does the medical term LL stand for?

What does LL medical abbreviation stand for?

In science & medicine, the meaning of the LL medical abbreviation is left lateral.

LL: left lateral

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ABPAAllergic Broncho Pulmonary Aspergillosis
HRAhealth risk assessment
NSAno significant abnormality
MIDmulti-infarct dementia; minimum infective dose
HCOhealth care organization
CVATcostovertebral angle tenderness
SMEsignificant medical event; subject matter expert
QMquality management
PIPOTpersons in positions of trust
HDUhigh dependency unit; Hemodialysis Unit
IDUidouridizine; idoxuridine; injection drug user
BCGBacille Calmette-Guerin
o.d.once daily (omni die)
FPLflexor pollicis longus
FCUflexor carpi ulnaris
SCJsternoclavicular joint
IgEimmunoglobulin E
CaCancer; carcinoma. For example, a patient who undergoing treatment for cancer should assure that they are eating and drinking enough fluids daily, both during and after treatment.
CAPProstate Cancer; Community Acquired Pneumonia
TLStumor lysis syndrome
PICUPediatric Intensive Care Unit
HGVhepatitis g virus
TPURtransperineal urethral resection

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