What is FEM-POP medical abbreviation?

What is the medical abbreviation FEM-POP?

The abbreviation FEM-POP may have a few different meanings. Below is the meaning that the abbreviation FEM-POP stands for.

What is the FEM-POP medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the FEM-POP medical term mean femoral-popliteal.

FEM-POP: femoral-popliteal

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mandmandatory; mandible, mandibular
OPQRSTonset, provocation, quality, radiation, severity, time
GPTglutamic-pyruvic transaminase
RPMrevolutions per minute
PPOpreferred provider organization
PetCO2partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide
SMBGself-monitoring of blood glucose
VDvenereal disease
ICNinternational council of nurses
T.I.thoracic inlet
CCAcalcium channel antagonist; common carotid artery
OLTOrthotopic Liver Transplant
EDCestimated day of confinement; electronic data capture; extensor digitorum communis
OSAObstructive Sleep Apnea
PCSprocedure coding system
CSOchief scientific officer
ETTExercise Tolerance Test; also Endotracheal Tube
qhevery hour
LBPLow Back Pain
CENCertified Emergency Nurse
etc.etcetera, and so on

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