What does p̄ mean in medical abbreviation?

What is p̄ in medical terms?

There may be more than one meaning of p̄. However, what does the medical term p̄ stand for?

p̄ medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In science & medicine, the meaning of the p̄ medical abbreviation is post ( after).

p̄: post ( after)

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADMAbductor digiti minimi
ADRAdverse Drug Reaction
APSAdult Protective Services
BALTBronchus-Associated Lymphoid Tissue
BFbreast feed(ing); boyfriend
BPRSbrief psychiatric rating scale
C/BComplicated By
CAUchild and adolescent unit; clinical assessment unit
CHLconductive hearing loss
CMFcyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil
CMSACenter for Medication Safety Advancement
CPPVcontinuous positive pressure ventilation
D&CDilatation and Currettage
DAWdispense as written
DCISDuctal Carcinoma In Situ
DMATdisaster medical assistance team
DSDown’s Syndrome; degenerative spondylolisthesis; drug substance
DTRDeep Tendon Reflex
ECMOExtra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation
EFMAEuropeans For Medical Advancement
EMT-Pemergency medical technician paramedic
ETTExercise Tolerance Test; also Endotracheal Tube
EUELISA unit; endotoxin unit
FBK(S)Fixed Bearing Knee{S}
FFRfractional flow reserve
FOBTfecal occult blood test
Flex SigFlexible Sigmoidoscopy
GAFglobal assessment of functioning
GGgamma globulin
GMEgraduate medical education
GORDgastro-esophageal reflux disease
GdGadolinium (element)
GvHDGraft vs. host disease. It is complicated by the syndromes of acute and chronic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD).
HAIR-ANhyperandrogenism (HA), insulin resistance (IR) and acanthosis nigricans (AN)
HB SAhepatitis B surface antigen
HMG-CoAhydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A
ICOMPInternational Collaborative Occupational Medicine Program
ISDNisosorbide dinitrate
IVUintravenous urography
JIAjuvenile idiopathic arthritis
LVNLicensed Vocational Nurse
MFMMaternal-Fetal Medicine
MIFmelanocyte-inhibiting factor
MLAHSMedical Lake Alternative High School
MSTmulti-systemic therapy
NBRTNational Board for Respiratory Therapy
NRTnicotine replacement therapy
NSTEMInon-ST elevation myocardial infarction
OCPOral Contraceptive Pill
OLCOn-Line Clinicians
PJCpremature junctional contraction
POSproblem oriented system; point of service
PTCAPercutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
PbLead (element)
PetCO2partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide
PsApsoriatic arthritis
REMrapid eye movement (sleep)
RHCRight Heart Cath
RVMright ventricular mean
Rbcsred blood cells
SASstatistical analysis system; symptom assessment scale
SATserum agglutination test
SBFTsmall bowel follow-through (x-ray)
SMRsubmucous resection; standardized mortality ratio; sexual maturity rating
SVTsupraventricular tachycardia
TLEtemporal lobe epilepsy
TPItreponema pallidum immobilization (syphilis test); trigger point injection
TPRtemperature, pulse, respiration; total peripheral resistance
USPUnited States Pharmacopeia
VASvibroacoustic stimulator; visual analog scale
VDvenereal disease
mgAantibody (allergy testing)
mmmillimeter (0.001 m)
o.h.every hour (omni hora)
q.s.a sufficient quantity; as much as needed
rBSTrecombinant bovine somatotropin
reccrecommend or recommended
sbpspontaneous bacterial peritonitis

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