What does NRT medical abbreviation stand for?

What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation NRT?

In some cases, the abbreviation NRT may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation NRT stand for?

What does NRT medical abbreviation mean?

In the medicine field, the NRT abbreviation stands for nicotine replacement therapy.

NRT: nicotine replacement therapy

Related Medical Abbreviations

BTLbilateral tubal ligation
CBRNEchemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive agents
CLLChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
CTPcolor, temperature, pulse
DLEdiscoid lupus erythematosus
DRFdrip rate factor
DSM-IVDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition
DTsDelirium Tremens
F/Hfamily history
FCUflexor carpi ulnaris
FGTfemale genital tract
GIBGastrointestinal Bleeding
HCVHepatitis C Virus
HHRGhome health resource group
HbSHemoglobin S
IMIntramuscular also Intramedullary
LATSlong-acting thyroid stimulator
LBOLarge Bowel Obstruction
LDUHlow-dose-unfractionated heparin
LPDluteal phase defect
MCLMedial Collateral Ligament
MChMaster of Surgery (magister chirurgiae)
MRFmelanocyte-stimulating hormone-releasing factor
MTPJmetatarsophalangeal joint
NANot Available; also Sodium
NRTInucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
NYDnot yet diagnosed
O/Roral, rectal
PASPpulmonary artery systolic pressure
PCIPercutaneous Coronary Intervention
PEPpost-exposure prophylaxis; phosphoenolpyruvate; pancreatic enzyme product
PGRpsychogalvanic reaction
PHBpersonal health budget
QNSQuantity Not Sufficient
RACErescue, alarm, confine, extinguish (fire safety)
RIBArecombinant immunoblot assay
SJSStevens-Johnson syndrome
SVDspontaneous vaginal delivery
SaO2arterial blood-oxygen saturation
T&Htype and hold
TAHTotal Abdominal Hysterectomy
UFHUnfractionated Heparin
VBACVaginal Birth After Cesearean Section
WSWilliams syndrome; work simplification
Z-DNAleft-handed DNA

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