What does NALH mean in medical abbreviation?

What does NALH mean in medical terms?

The NALH abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. Here is the meaning of NALH mean in medical terms.

What is the meaning of NALH medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, it is North American Life Health the medical abbreviation NALH stands for.

NALH: North American Life Health

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACGMEAccreditation Council of GRADUATE medical education
AGMTAfrican Genomic Medicine Training
ALSAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; also Advanced Life Support
APADanteroposterior abdominal diameter
AVHCAsh Vale Health Centre
BMISBattlefield Medical Information System
BPRSbrief psychiatric rating scale
BRMbiological response modifier
CCCASClinician Champions in Comprehensive Antibiotic Stewardship
CD8cytotoxic T lymphocytes
CGHRCenter for Gerontology and Healthcare Research
CRFchronic renal failure; cardiac risk factors; case report form; corticotropin-releasing factor
CWHMCenter for World Health and Medicine
DNRDo Not Resusitate
EHSTEnvironmental Health Safety and Transportation
EMTEmergency Medical Technician
EOMIExtra Ocular Muscles Intact
FIVforced inspiratory volume
FPFamily Practitioner
FRCFunctional Residual Capacity
FamHxFamily history
GAINGratitude, Acceptance, Intention, Nonjudgement
GBGall Bladder; also Guillain Barre
GEMMSGateway Electronic Medical Management Systems
HBGMhome blood glucose monitoring
HFMHuman Factors and Medicine
HGFhematopoietic factor; hepatocyte growth factor; human growth factor
HIRSHealth Information and Resources Service
HNPherniated nucleus pulposus
IEEintervention effect estimate
IPNinterstitial pneumonia
JCMRJackson Community Medical Record
JIMCHJahurul Islam Medical College & Hospital
KDPIKidney Donor Profile Index
KMAPKansas Medical Assistance Program
KVOKeep Vein Open
LGMleft upper outer gluteus maximus
MAGHMedical Anthropology and Global Health
MCOCMedical Center of Ocean County
MHRmaternal heart rate; maximum heart rate
MNBNMedicare News Brief Network
MRHSMorningside Retirement and Health Services
MSGmonosodium glutamate
MSHmelanocyte-stimulating hormone
MSNSModified Sick Neonatal Score
MTmedical technologist
MUGAmultiple gated acquisition
MUTMethylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficiency
NAMSNational Association of Medical Schools
NDCnational drug code
NHCNational Health Council
NKDANo Known Drug Allergies
NKFHNorthern Kentucky Family Health
NT-proBNPN-terminal pro b-type natriuretic peptide
NYHANew York Heart Association
OEOtitis Externa
OLleft eye (oculus laevus)
ORNTOral Rehydration and Nutrition Therapy
PADSpreventive aggression device system
PDFFProton-Density Fat-Fraction
PTHParathyroid hormone
PVRIPulmonary Vascular Resistance Index
RE-LYRandomized Evaluation of Long-Term Anticoagulation Therapy
RPFrenal plasma flow
RTArenal tubular acidosis; road traffic accident
SACshort arm cast
SGAsmall for gestational age
SHTSevere Head Trauma
TBGthyroid-binding globulin
TORCHtoxoplasmosis, other (hepatitis b, syphilis), rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex 2
TSTtuberculin skin test
TURBTTransurethral Resection Bladder Tumor
UDABurine drugs of abuse
VCDvacuum constriction device; vocal cord dysfunction
a/g ratioAlbumin to globulin ratio.
med nebmedication nebulizer
qnsquantity not sufficient
qodEvery other day. As in taking a medicine every other day.
quantquantitative; quantity
radradical; root (radix); radial
relrelated; relative

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