What is IEE medical abbreviation?

What is IEE in medical terms?

The IEE abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what is the meaning of the IEE medical abbreviation?

What is the IEE medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the medical abbreviation IEE stands for intervention effect estimate.

IEE: intervention effect estimate

Related Medical Abbreviations

A/V RatioArteriolar/Venous Ratio
BCLSbasic cardiac life support
BMPBasic metabolic panel. Electrolytes (potassium, sodium, carbon dioxide, and chloride) and creatinine and glucose.
CIPclean in place; cost/continuous improvement plan/process
CRTCertified Respiratory Therapist; capillary refill time; cardiac resynchronization therapy
CVATcostovertebral angle tenderness
ED&Celectrodessication and curettage
FACRFellow of the American College of Radiology
FDSflexor digitorum superficialis
H&Ehematoxylin and eosin
HSAhealth services administration; human serum albumin
ICTinsulin coma therapy
JCAHOJoint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
L-2second lumbar vertebra
LLEleft lower extremity
MADmultiple autoimmune disorder
MASHmobile army surgical hospital
MDR TBmulti-drug resistant tuberculosis
MICUMedical Intensive Care Unit
NCPAPnasal continuous positive airway pressure
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
PAOPpulmonary artery occlusion pressure
PBPCperipheral blood progenitor cell
PCSprocedure coding system
PERRLA+Cpupils equal, round, react to light, accommodation ok, and coordinated
PR/Rper rectum/rectal
PTRplatelet transfusion reaction
QHSEvery Night
R/Lright to left
SCLCASmall Cell Lung Cancer
SMEsignificant medical event; subject matter expert
SPLATTsplit anterior tibial tendon transfer
SUDsingle-use device; substance use disorder; sudden unexpected death
SVEsterile vaginal examination
UVJuretero vesicle junction
VTVentricular Tachycardia
bidtwice a day (bis in die)
cDNAcomplementary DNA
difdifferential blood count
iFRinstant wave-free ratio
liqfluid; liquid
qPMEach evening. As in taking a medicine each evening.

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