What is the CRT medical abbreviation?

What is the medical abbreviation CRT?

The CRT abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what does CRT mean in medical terms?

What does CRT medical abbreviation stand for?

In medical field, the CRT medical abbreviation stands for Certified Respiratory Therapist; capillary refill time; cardiac resynchronization therapy.

CRT: Certified Respiratory Therapist; capillary refill time; cardiac resynchronization therapy

Related Medical Abbreviations

ABGArterial Blood Gas
ABPAAllergic Broncho Pulmonary Aspergillosis
AnuricNot producing urine. A person who is anuric is often critical and may require dialysis.
BCNSPBoard Certified Nutrition Support Pharmacist
C&Aconscious and alert
C-spinecervical spine
CDEComplete dental (oral) evaluation.
COTNicotine/Cotinine (COT test)
CRRconsult review request
CSUcatheter specimen of urine
CUmcubic micron
DOTDirectly Observed Therapy
EDPerythema dyschromicum perstans
EMSEmergency Medical System
ENerythema nodosum
F/Hfamily history
ICUIntensive care unit. The patient was moved to the intensive care unit.
IRVinspiratory reserve volume
LAHBleft anterior hemiblock
LMOliving modified organism
MSFmeconium stained fluid
NDnot diagnosed; normal delivery; nondistended; Doctor of Naturopathy; neck dissection
ONSoncology nursing society
PIAprolonged infantile apnea
PTLpre-term labor
PTSDPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder
SCrserum creatinine
SGUstandard IgG beta-2 glycoprotein unit
SLRStraight Leg Raise
SPCASociety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SSNSocial Security Number
TIPSTransvenous Intrahepatic Porto-Systemic Shunt
TPURtransperineal urethral resection
UA or u/aUrinalysis. A UA is a typical part of a comprehensive physical examination.
VLvastis lateralis; viral load
WIBwestern immunoblot
certcertified, certificate
eGFRestimated glomerular filtration rate [case sensitive]
ggram, a unit of weight. The cream is available in both 30 and 60 gram tubes.
g=ggrips equal and good
hnRNPheterogeneous nuclear RNP
iFRinstant wave-free ratio
mor. sol.as accustomed
q.d.Each day. As in taking a medicine daily.
q2hEvery 2 hours. As in taking a medicine every 2 hours.
qhevery hour

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