What is fld medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the fld medical abbreviation?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation fld. Here is the meaning of fld mean in medical terms.

What does fld medical abbreviation mean?

In science & medicine, the meaning of the fld medical abbreviation is fluid.

fld: fluid

Related Medical Abbreviations

BCMbody cell mass
BEDbinge eating disorder
BSBowel Sounds; also Breath Sounds and Blood Sugar
CFcystic fibrosis
CHIClosed Head Injury
CNCranial Nerves
COCcauterization of the cervix; Certificate of Coverage; combined oral contraceptive
COWSclinical opiate withdrawal scale
CPKcreatinine phosphokinase; creatine phosphokinase
CRVOCentral Retinal Vein Occlusion
DNAdeoxyribonucleic acid; does not apply
EBLEstimated Blood Loss
EDLextensor digitorum longus
EDPerythema dyschromicum perstans
EHTestrogen hormone therapy
FCUflexor carpi ulnaris
G#P#Gravida # Para #
HHIHerth Hope Index
HSPHenoch Shonlein Purpura
IUGRintrauterine growth retardation
IUOinvestigation use only
JODjuvenile-onset diabetes
LDRPlabor, delivery, recovery, postpartum room
NVnausea and vomiting
OCPOral Contraceptive Pill
PDISpatient discharge instruction sheet
PEPpost-exposure prophylaxis; phosphoenolpyruvate; pancreatic enzyme product
PSAProstate Specific Antigen
PSSphysiologic saline solution; progressive systemic sclerosis
PTRplatelet transfusion reaction
QCTquantitative computed tomography
R0basic reproduction number (R naught)
RSremitting seronegative; respiratory system; Reiter’s syndrome
RVADRight Ventricular Assist Device
S/Ssigns and symptoms
SGOTserum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
SOsignificant other; salpingo-oophorectomy; superior oblique
SOPstandard operating procedure
SVRIsystemic vascular resistance index
SaO2arterial blood-oxygen saturation
TATturnaround time; thematic apperception test; tetanus antitoxin
TBDto be determined
WAISWechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
h/ohistory of
hnRNPheterogeneous nuclear RNP
quantquantitative; quantity

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