What is the meaning of SO medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation SO mean?

There may be more than one meaning of SO. However, what does the SO medical term mean?

What is the meaning of SO medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation SO means significant other; salpingo-oophorectomy; superior oblique.

SO: significant other; salpingo-oophorectomy; superior oblique

Related Medical Abbreviations

ASAortic Stenosis; also Anklyosing Spondylitis
BSLEbullous systemic lupus erythematosus
CFRCertified First Responder; child fatality review; Code of Federal Regulations; case fatality ratio
CHLconductive hearing loss
COWSclinical opiate withdrawal scale
CVATcostovertebral angle tenderness
ECTElectro-Convulsive Therapy
ECUextensor carpi ulnaris; emergency care unit
FTDfrontotemporal dementia
GFRglomerular filtration rate
H/HHenderson-Hasselbalch equation; hemoglobin/hematocrit
HAARTHighly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy
HAGGheat-aggregated IgG
HAIR-ANhyperandrogenism (HA), insulin resistance (IR) and acanthosis nigricans (AN)
HMG-CoAhydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A
HThypertension; hormone therapy
IOPIntra-Ocular Pressure
KLSkidney, liver, spleen
LDlearning disability; left deltoid; lactate dehydrogenase; lactic dehydrogenase; lethal dose
LGLlarge granular lymphocyte; Lown Ganong Levine syndrome
MAPmean arterial pressure
MCHBMaternal and Child Health Bureau
MSSAMethicillin Sensitive Staph Aureus
MTmedical technologist
NCnasal cannula
NIHSSNational Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
NYHANew York Heart Association
OCRossicular chain reconstruction
PBCPrimary Billiary Cirrhosis
PE tubespolyethylene tubes
PHBpersonal health budget
PHNpublic health nurse
PZIprotamine zinc insulin
PuDpulmonary disease
RAPDrelative afferent pupillary defect
RTVritonavir (antiviral drug)
RVADRight Ventricular Assist Device
SASino-Atrial; Staph Aureus
TAROMtotal active range of motion
TBTuberculosis; Total Bilirubin
TIStumor in situ
TTETrans-Thoracic Echocardiogram
iFRinstant wave-free ratio
mmmillimeter (0.001 m)
pIgRpolymeric immunoglobulin receptor

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