What does bid medical abbreviation stand for?

What does bid mean in medical terms?

The abbreviation bid may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation bid mean?

What is the meaning of bid medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine, the meaning of the medical abbreviation bid is twice a day (bis in die).

bid: twice a day (bis in die)

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADDAttention Deficit Disorder
AMAAgainst Medical Advice; American Medical Association
AVRAortic Valve Replacement
BEBacterial Endocarditis; also Barium Enema
CMFcyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil
CSTcontraction stress test; Certified Surgical Technologist
CWDcanal wall down
DPAPdiastolic pulmonary artery pressure
EDBethylene dibromide; extensor digitorum brevis
EGFepidermal growth factor
GVHDGraft Versus Host Disease
HAQhealth assessment questionnaire
HNVhas not voided
Hephepatoma cell line
ICNinternational council of nurses
IDVindinavir (antiviral drug)
IOPIntra-Ocular Pressure
LATleft anterolateral thigh
LIHleft inguinal herniorrhaphy
MICUMedical Intensive Care Unit
MMAmethylmalonic acid
MoCAMontreal Cognitive Assessment
NECnecrotizing enterocolitis; not elsewhere classified
NOSNot Otherwise Specified
O/Eon examination
PBCPrimary Billiary Cirrhosis
PBLproblem-based learning; peripheral blood lymphocyte
PCCRpost cardiac cath recovery
PIFprolactin release-inhibiting factor; peak inspiratory flow
PSDpatient specific direction
QNSQuantity Not Sufficient
RCPrespiratory care practitioner
RIMARight Internal Mammary Artery
RSCright subclavian
SCDsequential compression device; sudden cardiac death
SMAsequential multiple analyzer; spinal muscular atrophy; superior mesenteric artery
SPFSun Protection Formula
STHsomatotrophic hormone (somatotropin)
TRALItransfusion-related acute lung injury
TUIPtransurethral incision of the prostate
VATSVideo Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery
VLDLvery low density lipoprotein
WDWNWell Developed, Well Nourished
cRNAchromosomal RNA
o.n.every night (omni nocte)
part. vic.in divided doses (partitis vicibus)

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