What does KMAP medical abbreviation mean?

What does the KMAP medical term mean?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of KMAP abbreviation. Here is the meaning of KMAP mean in medical terms.

KMAP medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In medical field, the KMAP medical term stands for Kansas Medical Assistance Program.

KMAP: Kansas Medical Assistance Program

Related Medical Abbreviations

6 MMPMatrix metalloproteinases
AIDSAcquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome
APSIAnterior-Posterior Stability Index
BIIJBiomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal
BMISBattlefield Medical Information System
BPRSbrief psychiatric rating scale
BSOBilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. A BSO is the removal of both of the ovaries and adjacent Fallopian tubes and often is performed as part of a total abdominal hysterectomy.
CASTcardiac arrhythmia suppression trial
CGchorionic gonadotropin
CHIPSCommunity Health Initiative Programs for Students
COADchronic obstructive airways disease
COHcarbohydrate; controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
CTPAcomputed tomography pulmonary angiogram
D/TDue To
D5NS5% dextrose in normal saline
DPGNdiffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis
DPHDepartment of Public Health; Doctor of Public Health
DUEdrug usage evaluation
EBHevidence-based healthcare
EBPEvidence-Based Practice
EBRTExternal Beam Radiation Therapy
EBVMAEvidence-Based Veterinary Medicine Association
ECemergency center; energy conservation; enteric coating (medication); emergency contraception
ECDExpanded Criteria Donor
ELDUextra-label drug use
FFOMFellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (Royal College of Physicians, London)
FOBTfecal occult blood test
FSBSfinger stick blood glucose/sugar
FSGFinger Stick Glucose
GADGeneralized Anxiety Disorder
HAQhealth assessment questionnaire
HAVhepatitis A vaccine; hepatitis A virus
HGVhepatitis g virus
HOHHard Of Hearing
HRSAHealth Resources and Services Administration (U.S.)
ICSIintracytoplasmic sperm injection
ITBiliotibial band
IVDAintravenous drug abuse
KCMGKidney Consultants Medical Group
KTSKlippel–Trenaunay syndrome
KrKrypton (element)
LCISLobular Carcinoma In Situ. A type of cancer of the breast. The patient is receiving treatment for Lobular Carcinoma In Situ.
LLLLeft Lower Lobe; Left Lower Lid
LMNLower Motor Neuron
LNMPlast normal menstrual period
LSBleft sternal border
LVHLeft Ventricular Hypertrophy
MARmedication administration record
MASTmilitary anti-shock trousers
MDImetered dose inhaler
MLEmidline episiotomy
Minminute; minimum
NKADNo Known Drug Allergies
NSBGPNon-Specific Bowel Gas Pattern
OPAoropharyngeal airway; outpatient appointment
OTRregistered occupational therapist
PSOpatient services office
PUPPSPressure Ulcer Point Prevalence Survey
RMruptured membranes; risk management; respiratory movement
RS3PEsymmetrical synovitis with pitting edema
RT-PCRreverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
RUERight Upper Extremity
SANEsexual assault nurse examiner
SEsubstantially equivalent; status epilepticus; side effects; standard error
SFVSuperficial Femoral Vein
SNRIserotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
SOIseverity of illness
TAFtriage assessment form
TEEtransesophageal echocardiography; transesophageal endoscopy; transesophageal echocardiogram
TVCTrue Vocal Cord
WBCWhite Blood Cells
WIBwestern immunoblot
mUmilliunit; micro unit
man. prim.first thing in the morning
q.v.as much as you please (quantum vis); which see (quod vide)
sigsignal; label; signature
trachtracheotomy; trachea(l); tracheostomy

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