What is the meaning of MAGH medical abbreviation?

What does the MAGH medical term stand for?

In some cases, the abbreviation MAGH may have a few different meanings. However, what is the medical term MAGH?

MAGH medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation MAGH stands for Medical Anthropology and Global Health.

MAGH: Medical Anthropology and Global Health

Related Medical Abbreviations

ABCDEAsymmetry, Borders, Colour, Diameter, Expert
ASAortic Stenosis; also Anklyosing Spondylitis
B-ALLB-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
BMHBioethics and Medical Humanities
BRBPRBright Red Blood Per Rectum
BScBachelor of Science
CAIcomputer assisted instruction
CLDchronic liver disease
CNOChief Nursing Officer
CNSCentral Nervous System
CRCCertified Rehabilitation Counselor
CTRcarpal tunnel release
CUDcarnitine uptake defect
CoACoenzyme A
DAdevelopmental age; dopamine
DABFDescending Aortic Blood Flow
DDAMCData Driven Academic Medical Centers
DEBMDivision of Evidence Based Medicine
DEPICTEDDevelopment and Evaluation of a Psychosocial Intervention in Children and Teenagers Experiencing Diabetes
DGdorsal gluteal
DIDdissociative identity disorder
DJDDegenerative Joint Disease
DMHCDetroit Medical Health Connection
DOSdate of service
EIDelectronic infusion device
EPSTDEarly Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment
FACCFellow of the American College of Cardiology
FDLMPfirst date last menstrual period
FMCRFamily Medicine Curriculum Resource
FNAFine Needle Aspiration
FSGFinger Stick Glucose
FWIMForum for Women in Internal Medicine
FeLVfeline leukemia virus
GUIgraphical user interface
H&Nhead and neck
H2Histamine 2
I+With Ionic Contrast (in reference to a CAT Scan)
IFRinfection fatality ratio; instrument flight rules
ITBiliotibial band
IUGRintrauterine growth retardation
LETZloop electrosurgical excision procedure
LNDLymph Node Dissection
LSCleft subclavian
LTClong-term care (facility); long-term condition; low transverse cervical (c/s)
M/uLmillion per microliter
MAKSMedical Aid Kit Station
MLOAMedical Leave Of Absence
MMMMasters in Medical Management
MSLmidsternal line
NDCnational drug code
NIHSSNational Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
NMHNon Medical Help
NSUnonspecific urethritis; non-specific urethritis
OCoral contraceptive; osteocalcin; obstetrical conjugate; oleoresin capsicum; oral cavity
PCSprocedure coding system
POSTPhysician Orders for Scope of Treatment
PhDDoctor of Philosophy
R-Lright to left
RASrenal artery stenosis; renin-angiotensin system; reticular activating system
RFARadio Frequency Ablation; Right Femoral Artery
RIBArecombinant immunoblot assay
RINDreversible ischemic neurologic deficit
RPFrenal plasma flow
RSDReflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
SDSsodium dodecyl sulfate; same day services
SSNHLsudden sensorineural hearing loss
TGAtransposition of the great arteries (formerly TGV, transposition of the great vessels)
TKOto keep open (intravenous)
U aunit a
UNSAUnstable Angina
chemchemical, chemistry
g=ggrips equal and good
gravpregnancy (gravida)
man. prim.first thing in the morning
maxmaxilla, maxillary; maximum
pathpathologist; pathology
t.i.n.three times a night
ungointment (unguentum)

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