What is the meaning of FNA medical abbreviation?

What does the FNA medical term stand for?

The abbreviation FNA may have a few different meanings. Here is the meaning of FNA mean in medical terms.

What is FNA medical abbreviation?

In medical field, the FNA medical term stands for Fine Needle Aspiration.

FNA: Fine Needle Aspiration

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADAAmerican Diabetes Association
ADHDAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
CCAcalcium channel antagonist; common carotid artery
CHcongenital hypothyroidism; clinical hold
CMTCcutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita
CNSCentral Nervous System
CRESTcalcinosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasias
CRRTcontinuous renal replacement therapy
CVATcostovertebral angle tenderness
DJDDegenerative Joint Disease
DOUDirect Observation Unit
DPGNdiffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis
EEEthinyl estradiol
EtOHEthanol or Ethyl alcohol
FFFfully formula fed; fibula free flap
FTPfailure to progress
IADLinstrumental activities of daily living
IBCiron binding capacity
IBSIrritable Bowel Syndrome
IFRinfection fatality ratio; instrument flight rules
IOMInstitute of Medicine
IVHintraventricular hemorrhage
IgEimmunoglobulin E
LPcPlight perception with projection
LVEFleft ventricular ejection fraction
LWSlow wall suction
NIBPnon-invasive blood pressure
O&POvum and Parasites
OB-Gynobstetrics and gynecology
PCUProgressive Care Unit
PETPositron Emission Tomography
QHSEvery Night
RBErelative biological effectiveness
RLSrestless legs syndrome
RULRight Upper Lobe; Right Upper Lid
RVMright ventricular mean
TIATransient Ischemic Attack
TOtelephone order
TTPTender To Palpation; Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
VLvastis lateralis; viral load
dBdecibel (measurement of sound volume)
omn. hor.every hour
psiper square inch (pounds)
rBSTrecombinant bovine somatotropin

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