What does DID medical abbreviation stand for?

What does DID mean in medical terms?

The DID abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what is the medical term DID?

What is DID medical abbreviation?

In medical field, the DID medical term stands for dissociative identity disorder.

DID: dissociative identity disorder

Related Medical Abbreviations

LUAleft upper arm
O&Gobstetrics and gynecology
PTRplatelet transfusion reaction
ETSenvironmental tobacco smoke (exposure)
PetCO2partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide
TVTidal Volume
RPOright posterior oblique
IDUidouridizine; idoxuridine; injection drug user
ADHDAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
PA-CCertified Physician Assistant
HBShepatobiliary scintigraphy
CPBcompetitive protein binding
KLSkidney, liver, spleen
PCSprocedure coding system
CSOchief scientific officer
FCBfibrocystic breast
IOPIntra-Ocular Pressure
kU/Lkilounit per liter (allergy testing)
EUAemergency use authorization; examination under anesthesia; examination under anesthetic
etc.etcetera, and so on
MMSEmini mental state examination

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