What does DEBM mean in medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation DEBM?

The abbreviation DEBM may have a few different meanings. However, what does the abbreviation DEBM stand for in medical terms?

What does DEBM stand for in medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation DEBM means Division of Evidence Based Medicine.

DEBM: Division of Evidence Based Medicine

Related Medical Abbreviations

AKAAbove Knee Amputation
BTLSbasic trauma life support
CACCertified Addictions Counselor
CAPDcontinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis; central auditory processing disorder
CCCCentral Corneal Clouding
CUCchronic ulcerative colitis
CWDcanal wall down
DHMDoctor Of Homeopathic Medicine
DICDisseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy
DOEDyspnea on exertion. Shortness of breath with activity.
DVIdeep venous insufficiency
DyDysprosium (element)
EJExternal Jugular
ETAembryo toxicity assay; estimated time of arrival
EX LAPExploratory Laparotomy
GCPgood clinical practice
GDSgeriatric depression scale
GIFTgamete intrafallopian transfer
GNDgram-negative diplococci
GOMERSlang for “get out of my emergency room.”
GTNgestational trophoblastic neoplasia; glyceryl trinitrate
HIMhealth information management; hepatosplenomegaly
HRTHormone Replacement Therapy
IACinternal auditory canal; interposed abdominal compression (CPR)
IADLinstrumental activities of daily living
IDVindinavir (antiviral drug)
IFimmunofluorescence; infertility; interferon; intrinsic factor
ISRimmune status ration
JODMjuvenile onset diabetes mellitus
L&Wliving and well
LDUHlow-dose-unfractionated heparin
LIQlower inner quadrant
LKSliver, kidney, and spleen
LSBleft sternal border
LWDliving with disease
MCImild cognitive impairment; mass casualty incident
MVPMitral Valve Prolapse
NASHnon-alcoholic steatohepatitis
NCINational Cancer Institute
NCPAPnasal continuous positive airway pressure
NInot indicated
NIVnon-invasive ventilation
NPWTnegative pressure wound therapy
OPOpening Pressure
PICUPediatric Intensive Care Unit
PNC-Epost-necrotic cirrhosis-ethanol
POBy Mouth
PROpeer review organization
RIGRabies Immunoglobulin
RPEratings of perceived exertion; retinal pigment epithelium
RQrespiratory quotient
RUERight Upper Extremity
RUTright upper thigh
S1first heart sound
SCTstem cell transplantation; sickle cell trait; salmon calcitonin
SHEsafety, health and environment
SOsignificant other; salpingo-oophorectomy; superior oblique
SPsuprapubic (catheter); Sanofi Pasteur
SVRIsystemic vascular resistance index
SX Psexual precautions
TENStranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
TIPSTransvenous Intrahepatic Porto-Systemic Shunt
TKOto keep open (intravenous)
TMStympanic membranes; transcranial magnetic stimulation
TORBtelephone order read back
TURtransurethral resection
WCTwide complex tachycardia
WDwell developed
WD/WNwell developed, well nourished
ch pxchicken pox
ggram, a unit of weight. The cream is available in both 30 and 60 gram tubes.
pcafter meals (post cibos)
q.s.a sufficient quantity; as much as needed
qhsAt each bedtime. As in taking a medicine each bedtime.
saaccording to art (secundum artem)
t.i.n.three times a night

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