What is the meaning of g medical abbreviation?

What does the medical term g stand for?

In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of g. Below is the meaning that g abbreviation stands for.

What does g medical abbreviation stand for?

In science & medicine, the meaning of the g medical abbreviation is gram, a unit of weight. The cream is available in both 30 and 60 gram tubes..

g: gram, a unit of weight. The cream is available in both 30 and 60 gram tubes.

Related Medical Abbreviations

ASUAmbulatory Surgery Unit
BFbreast feed(ing); boyfriend
CNMCertified Nurse Midwife
DVdouble vision; domestic violence; daily value (nutrition)
EDBethylene dibromide; extensor digitorum brevis
Ed.DDoctor of Education
FBCfull blood count
FFLflexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy
GFRglomerular filtration rate
GOMERSlang for “get out of my emergency room.”
HDUhigh dependency unit; Hemodialysis Unit
HThypertension; hormone therapy
Hghemoglobin; Mercury (element)
IOPIntra-Ocular Pressure
IRDSinfant respiratory distress syndrome
IUCDintrauterine contraceptive device
LCMleft costal margin
LDlearning disability; left deltoid; lactate dehydrogenase; lactic dehydrogenase; lethal dose
MOAmemorandum of agreement; mechanism of action
NIHSSNational Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
NWBnon weight bearing
ODTorally disintegrating tablet
PADPpulmonary artery diastolic pressure
PAOPpulmonary artery occlusion pressure
PAPpulmonary artery pressure; peak airway pressure; patient assistance programs
PHBpersonal health budget
POUplacenta, ovary, uterus
PR/Rper rectum/rectal
PSVTparoxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
RFARadio Frequency Ablation; Right Femoral Artery
RIFAright inner forearm
RLSrestless legs syndrome
RVVCrecurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis
SCAsudden cardiac arrest; subclavian artery; sickle cell anemia
SCIspinal cord injury
SCrserum creatinine
SMBGself-monitoring of blood glucose
SNSsupplemental nursing system; sympathetic nervous system
SSDISocial Security disability insurance
STsinus tachycardia
UCGurinary chorionic gonadotropin
VLRAverbal lead risk assessment
eGFRestimated glomerular filtration rate [case sensitive]
simsimilar and simplated
umbumbilicus, umbilical

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