HINF medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

What does the HINF medical term stand for?

There may be more than one meaning of HINF. Below is the meaning of HINF abbreviation in medical terms.

HINF medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

In science & medicine, it is Health Information the medical abbreviation HINF stands for.

HINF: Health Information

Related Medical Abbreviations

ABPRAbnormal Blood Pressure Response to exercise
ASCOAAmbulatory Surgery Center Management and Development
BBSbilateral breath sounds
BFRblood flow rate
BIBBrought In By
BTFSbreast tumor frozen section
CCRAcardiac cath recovery area
CDEComplete dental (oral) evaluation.
CFSchronic fatigue syndrome
CNPBCCollege of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia (licensing body in BC)
COWCircle Of Willis
CRRTcontinuous renal replacement therapy
DBSdeep brain stimulation; dorsal blocking splint
DFIDDepartment for International Development
DHSdynamic hip screw
DIDdissociative identity disorder
DPMDDefence Postgraduate Medical Deanery
DSMUDonetsk State Medical University
DTdelirium tremens; diphtheria and tetanus toxoids
DTPdiphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (vaccine); direct-to-patient
EDLextensor digitorum longus
ESLDEnd Stage Liver Disease
FCHPFallon Community Health Plan
FTSGfull-thickness skin graft
GBSFGenome Biomedical Sciences Facility
GSRgalvanic skin response
GSWGun Shot Wound
HASOPHealth Assessments Standard Operation Procedure
HBeAgHepatitis B e antigen
HCIAHealth Care Innovation Awards
HDLHigh Density Lipoprotein
HIRSHealth Information and Resources Service
IAPBInternational Agency for the Prevention of Blindness
ICHPInstitute for Community Health Promotion
ICMFIlkley Complementary Medicine Festival
IPDintermittent peritoneal dialysis
JALSJuvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
JE-MBInactivated, mouse brain-derived Japanese encephalitis vaccine (JE-Vax®) (no longer available)
LCHFLow Carb High Fat
LTElife-threatening event; less than effective
LVEDPLeft Ventricular End Diastolic Pressure
MBPSMunchausen-by-proxy syndrome
MEDminimum effective dose
MPS IMucopolysaccharoidosis type I
MRFmelanocyte-stimulating hormone-releasing factor
MRSEmethicillin-resistant staphylococcus epidermidis
MSWMaster of Social Work; medical social worker
NCMINational Center for Medical Intelligence
NCMRNational Center For Medical Readiness
NHGNational Healthcare Group
NICUNeonatal Intensive Care Unit
NILnegative intraepithelial lesion
PASpara amino-salicylic acid; para-aminosalicylic acid; periodic acid-schiff (stain)
PIIpersonally identifiable information
PK testPrausnitz-kustner test
PPBSpostprandial blood sugar
PPVpneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine; positive predictive value
PRPpolysaccharide-ribitol-phosphate vaccine; platelet-rich plasma; pan retinal photocoagulation
PVCPremature Ventricular Contraction
QWLquality of work life
RHRPReserve Health Readiness Program
RPradial pulse; Raynaud’s phenomenon; retrograde pyelography; retinitis pigmentosa
SOIDSection On Infectious Diseases
SPFSun Protection Formula
SRASpecimen Reception Area
SSGSplit Skin Graft
T Bilitotal bilirubin
TCTPTranslationally-Controlled Tumor Protein
TGVthoracic gas volume
TIBCTotal Iron Binding Capacity
TLEtemporal lobe epilepsy
TTtilt table; thrombin time; total thyroidectomy; tetanus toxoid
URQupper right quadrant
USIDUnclassified Sudden Infant Death
UVJuretero vesicle junction
V fibventricular fibrillation
WAISWechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
WORTHWomen On the Road To Health
ngnasogastric; nanogram (billionth of a gram)
odevery day (omnes dies)
qonevery other night
viaby way of

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