What does HPB medical abbreviation stand for?

What does the abbreviation HPB stand for in medical terms?

There may be more than one meaning of HPB. However, what is the medical term HPB?

What is the meaning of HPB medical abbreviation?

In medical field, However, the medical abbreviation HPB stands for hepatopancreatobiliary.

HPB: hepatopancreatobiliary

Related Medical Abbreviations

BRBed Rest
CCCAcentral centrifugal cicatricial alopecia
CETRcare, education and treatment review
CRHcorticotropin-releasing hormone
CSOchief scientific officer
CTGcathepsin G
CaCO3calcium carbonate
DCDischarge; Discontinue; Doctor of Chiropractics
DHEASdehydroepiandrosterone sulfate
DSCDoctor of Surgical Chiropody
EDLextensor digitorum longus
EIearly intervention
ERExternal Rotation; also Emergency Room
FBForeign Body
HEVHepatitis E virus
HbAHemoglobin A
IABCintra-aortic balloon counterpulsation
L-5fifth lumbar vertebra
L/Rleft to right
LHSlong handled sponge
LLBlong leg brace
LNLymph Node also Liquid Nitrogen
MASTmilitary anti-shock trousers
MENmultiple endocrine neoplasia
MOMMilk Of Magnesia
NKHGnonketotic hyperglycinemia
NMnon monitored; nodular melanoma; neuromuscular
ORRobjective response rate
PASpara amino-salicylic acid; para-aminosalicylic acid; periodic acid-schiff (stain)
PCSprocedure coding system
PERRLA+Cpupils equal, round, react to light, accommodation ok, and coordinated
QIDFour times per day
RBBBRight Bundle Branch Block
RTFready to feed; resident treatment facility
RTIreverse transcriptase inhibitors; respiratory tract infection
RUERight Upper Extremity
RULRight Upper Lobe; Right Upper Lid
SSEsoap suds enema
VEGFvascular endothelial growth factor
VGventral gluteal
metabmetabolic, metabolism
nutrnutrition; nutritionist
suprsuperior, supervision

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