What does NKHG medical abbreviation mean?

What does the medical abbreviation NKHG mean?

The NKHG abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what is the meaning of the medical term NKHG?

What is the meaning of NKHG medical abbreviation?

In medical field, the NKHG medical term stands for nonketotic hyperglycinemia.

NKHG: nonketotic hyperglycinemia

Related Medical Abbreviations

WOBwork of breathing
DOIdigital object identifier; date of injury
MMPMultiple Medical Problems
PCUProgressive Care Unit
NCATNormocephalic Atraumatic
PAFparoxysmal atrial fibrillation; platelet activating factor
PtPlatinum (element)
CFRCertified First Responder; child fatality review; Code of Federal Regulations; case fatality ratio
HCVDhypertensive cardiovascular disease
MADmultiple autoimmune disorder
IDUidouridizine; idoxuridine; injection drug user
PKRpartial knee replacement; photorefractive keratotomy
MDSMyelo dysplastic syndrome
CCAcalcium channel antagonist; common carotid artery
CWRcanal wall reconstruction
MLPAmultiplex ligation dependent probe amplification
FMfrequency modulation; fibromyalgia; fetal movement; family medicine
PNIperipheral nerve injury
NRTInucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
ETTExercise Tolerance Test; also Endotracheal Tube

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