LCHF medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

What is the meaning of the medical term LCHF?

There may be more than one meaning of LCHF. However, what does the medical abbreviation LCHF mean?

What is the meaning of LCHF medical abbreviation?

In medical field, the LCHF medical term stands for Low Carb High Fat.

LCHF: Low Carb High Fat

Related Medical Abbreviations

AERAlbumin Excretion Rate
AMCAAmerican Medical Certification Association
AMRIAmerican Medical Research Institute
BAHBoard of Animal Health
BARDABiomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority
BCEbasal cell epithelioma; bone collagen equivalents
BHOMBehavioral Health Outcomes Management
BMABritish Medical Association; bone marrow aspiration
BRBed Rest
C2second cervical vertebra
CAMCCongressional Academic Medicine Caucus
CDUchemical dependency unit
CHcongenital hypothyroidism; clinical hold
COOchief operating officer
CPTchest physiotherapy; current procedural terminology; carnitine palmitoyl transferase
CRCSCColorectal Cancer Subtyping Consortium
CYcalendar year
CYSchildren and youth services
DATMDigital Access to Medication
DCISDuctal Carcinoma In Situ
DFMCDelmarva Foundation for Medical Care
DIPHRDivision of Intramural Population Health Research
DODdate of death
DPAPdiastolic pulmonary artery pressure
DSDown’s Syndrome; degenerative spondylolisthesis; drug substance
DSCDoctor of Surgical Chiropody
EX FIXExternal Fixation
FAMSAFederation of African Medical Student Associations
FOBTfecal occult blood test
HAPUHealthcare Acquired Pressure Ulcers
HDLChigh density lipoprotein cholesterol
HEKHuman Embryonic Kidney
HEPhome exercise program
HLAhuman leukocyte antigen; human lymphocyte antigen
HLLHigh Liquid Level
IDMinfant of diabetic mother
IICPincreased intracranial pressure
JDMGJohn Deere Medical Group
KrKrypton (element)
LCMleft costal margin
LLEleft lower extremity
LNVLymph Node Volume
LPDluteal phase defect
MCMmedical countermeasure
MCRAMedical Care Recovery Act
MERTmedical emergency response team
MHCSMemorial Health Care Systems
MIPManaged Indemnity Program/Plan
MIPIMantle-Cell Lymphoma International Prognostic Index
MNDmotor neuron disease
MOABmonoclonal antibodies
MODYmaturity-onset diabetes of the young
MSETMedical Surgical Emergency Team
NGSnext generation sequencing
NHICnational health information center
NIDDKNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
NIFNegative Inspiratory Force
NIOSHNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NdNeodymium (element)
OCLorthopedic cast for limb
PMRSPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service
PPIPput prevention into practice
QNSQuantity Not Sufficient
RAFaright anterior forearm
RCMright costal margin
RMORocky Mountain Orthodontics, Inc.
SCMOHSub County Medical Officer of Health
SIMVsynchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
SRBRSociety for Research on Biological Rhythms
TBCTarget Birth Cohort
TDMtherapeutic drug monitoring
TIStumor in situ
TPRtemperature, pulse, respiration; total peripheral resistance
TRENDTraining Research and Education for Nurses in Diabetes
U/Puretero pelvic
UNOSUnited Network For Organ Sharing
VIPVasoactive Intestinal Peptide
qAMEach morning. As in taking a medicine each morning.
qnsquantity not sufficient
samaShort Acting Muscarinic Antagonists
varvariation, variety

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