What does E/M mean in medical abbreviation?

What does the E/M medical term stand for?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the E/M abbreviation. Below is the meaning that the abbreviation E/M stands for.

What is the E/M medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the medical abbreviation E/M stands for Evaluation/Management.

E/M: Evaluation/Management

Related Medical Abbreviations

AASMAmerican Academy of Sleep Medicine
ADOSAutism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
BBWblack box warning
BCOPBoard Certified Oncology Pharmacist
BESSBiomedical Experiment Support Satellite
BHDWBehavioral Health Data Warehouse
BIHEBaku International Healthcare Exhibition
BIOTbiotinidase deficiency
BOLDBlood Oxygen Level Dependent
CFCMCenter for Family and Community Medicine
CHIROChiropodist. {abbrev}
CLDDCross Linked Diethylaminoethyl Dextran
CMSACenter for Medication Safety Advancement
COMPcartilage oligomeric matrix protein
CRMGCheyenne Regional Medical Group
CSRMOCivil Surgeon Resident Medical Officer
CaCancer; carcinoma. For example, a patient who undergoing treatment for cancer should assure that they are eating and drinking enough fluids daily, both during and after treatment.
DHECDepartment of Health and Environmental Control
DMPHDivision of Medicine and Public Health
DREBDehydration-Responsive Element Binding
EBLEstimated Blood Loss
EMHEmergency Medical Holographic
ESEpidural Steroids
G6PDglucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
GTMSGraduate Training in Medical Science
GyGray (unit of ionizing radiation)
HCAPhealthcare associated pneumonia
HHAhome health aide; home health agency
HMG-CoAhydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A
HNVhas not voided
IBDQInflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire
ICMSInternational Congress of Medical Sciences
JE-MBInactivated, mouse brain-derived Japanese encephalitis vaccine (JE-Vax®) (no longer available)
LLNLower limit of normal
LMALaryngeal Mask Airway
LMDLocal Medical Doctor
LPRLaryngoPharyngeal Reflux
LoChollow cholesterol
MBMPModified Bonn-Malmö Protocol
MOSmedical outcomes Study
MRFmelanocyte-stimulating hormone-releasing factor
MRRSMedical Readiness and Reporting System
MgSO4magnesium sulfate
NERDNo Evidence of Recurrent Disease
NHMRCNational Health and Medical Research Council
NIDDMNon-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
NMTnot more than
NOTCENational Occupational Therapy Certification Examination (Canada)
NPO MNNothing by mouth after midnight
NPSNational Prescribing Service
NPWTnegative pressure wound therapy
OCHEROslo Communication in Healthcare Education and
OLCOn-Line Clinicians
OPCOOrgan Pump Committee of Oberlin
PABprofessional advisory board
PASPpulmonary artery systolic pressure
PASSIProgramme d’Accès aux Services de Santé pour les Immigrants
PCLSPrecision Cut Lung/Liver Slices
PHEBPublic Health Effectiveness Bulletin
PIHPregnancy Induced Hypertension
PKRpartial knee replacement; photorefractive keratotomy
PNFproprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
POLSTphysician orders for life-sustaining therapy
POMIPlans Operations and Medical Intelligence
PRUPhysician Response Unit
RNRegistered Nurse
SARMsSelective Androgen Receptor Modulators
SCHSSaudi Commission for Health Specialties
SFsugar free; serum ferritin; safety factor; synovial fluid
SFHSSt. Francis Heart Study
SNSsupplemental nursing system; sympathetic nervous system
SNTSoft Not Tender
SRSslow-reacting substance
STIDSexually -Transmitted Infection Disease
TNDTest not done
TSEtransmissible spongiform encephalopathies; testicular self-examination
TSRHTexas Scottish Rite Hospital
UFCurinary free cortisol
USHPU S Health Policy
kgkilogram (1 kg = 2.2 pounds = 1,000 g)
tRNAtransfer ribonucleic acid
w/v.weight in volume

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