What is ICMS medical abbreviation?

What does the abbreviation ICMS mean in medical terms?

There may be more than one meaning of ICMS. Here is the meaning of ICMS mean in medical terms.

What is ICMS medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the ICMS medical term mean International Congress of Medical Sciences.

ICMS: International Congress of Medical Sciences

Related Medical Abbreviations

AAAlcoholics Anonymous; African American
ABIAnkle Brachial Index
AFTERAssessment Feedback Treatment Education And Recommendations
ASCAanti Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody
BCMPBachelor of Clinical Medical Practice
BIIJBiomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal
BPPVbenign paroxysmal positional vertigo
CDEComplete dental (oral) evaluation.
CGHDClassical Growth Hormone Deficiency
CHNSChina Health and Nutrition Survey
CMGBClub Medical du Grand Boulogne
CPIPCanadian Pandemic Influenza Plan
CPRNCatalyst Physician Regenerative Network
CT3Troponin T-C Antibody
CTEchronic traumatic encephalopathy
DAdevelopmental age; dopamine
DAWdispense as written
DPINDrug Program Information Network
DSM-IVDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition
DVDdevelopmental verbal dyspraxia; digital video disc
EEMEssentials of Emergency Medicine
EJMCElectronic Jordan Medical Council
GHAGroup Health Associates
HBheart block
HHAhome health aide; home health agency
HIMhealth information management; hepatosplenomegaly
HIPDHealthcare Infrastructure Projects Division
HNVhas not voided
HOHHard Of Hearing
HTACHealth Translation Advisory Committee
IAPBInternational Agency for the Prevention of Blindness
ICFintermediate care facility; intracellular fluid
IMOSIllinois Medical Oncology Society
IPNAInternational Pediatric Nephrology Association
IRInterventional Radiology; Internal Rotation
ISMHInternational Society of Men’s Health
IVRidioventricular rhythm; interventional radiology
LNLymph Node also Liquid Nitrogen
LRNElow risk nutrition education
LUTleft upper thigh
MEmedical examiner; muscle energy; myalgic encephalomyelitis
MFOAMedical Front Office Assistant
MIRAMedical Interactive Recovery Assistant
MMDMedical Marijuana Dispensary
MMDDMedical Manuals and Documents Division
MTCmedullary thyroid cancer
NBNBNon-Bloody, Non-Bilious
NCIMSNorth Carolina Integrative Medical Society
NHCNational Health Council
NHMANational Hispanic Medical Association
NKFHNorthern Kentucky Family Health
NPONothing By Mouth
NT-proBNPN-terminal pro b-type natriuretic peptide
OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder
OMEotitis media with effusion
PADSpreventive aggression device system
PCV7Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (7-valent) (no longer available)
PETPositron Emission Tomography
PFTPulmonary function test. A test to evaluate the how well the lungs are functioning.
PIEplan, intervention, evaluation
PLpalmaris longus
PNBXProstate Needle Biopsy
PRIAPCR Rodent Infectious Agents
REMSrisk evaluation and mitigation strategy
ROFAright outer forearm
RPGNRapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
SPUMSSouth Pacific Underwater Medicine Society
T-holdtransportation hold (law enforcement)
TCDBturn, cough, deep breathe
THAPTal Health Advocacy Partners
ULBWultra low birth weight
VCPVaginal Contact Point
cTnTcardiac troponin T
ccCubic centimeters. For example, the amount of fluid removed from the body is recorded in ccs.
mIUmilli-international unit
part. vic.in divided doses (partitis vicibus)
prnas required/needed (pro re nata)
q.h.every hour (quaque hora)
relrelated; relative
uPAurokinase plasminogen activator

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