PRIA medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

What does the medical abbreviation PRIA stand for?

In some cases, the abbreviation PRIA may have a few different meanings. Here is the meaning of PRIA mean in medical terms.

What does PRIA medical abbreviation stand for?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation PRIA means PCR Rodent Infectious Agents.

PRIA: PCR Rodent Infectious Agents

Related Medical Abbreviations

AADDAdult Attention Deficit Disorder
AHFSAdvanced Health and Fitness Specialist
ARBAngiotensin Receptor Blocker
BAHAbone anchored hearing aid
BMPBasic metabolic panel. Electrolytes (potassium, sodium, carbon dioxide, and chloride) and creatinine and glucose.
BSFbasal skull fracture
CDTClostridium difficile toxin; Certified Dental Technician
CETRcare, education and treatment review
CFcystic fibrosis
CIMTCentre for Innovative Medical Technology
CLIAclinical laboratory improvement amendments
CRESTcalcinosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasias
CUSChronic Unpredictable Stress
CVCcentral venous catheter
DDSDoctor of Dental Surgery
DFVdoppler flow velocimetry
DISIDAdiisopropyl iminodiacetic acid (cholescintigraphy)
DL-PICCdouble lumen peripherally inserted central catheter
DPAPdiastolic pulmonary artery pressure
EIA Uenzyme immunoassay unit
EVLAEndovascular laser ablation
FAMRIFlight Attendant Medical Research Institute
FCBfibrocystic breast
FDLMPfirst date last menstrual period
FRCSFellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
FVEfluid volume excess
GABRB3GABAA receptor gene
HFCShigh-fructose corn syrup
HPAhypothalamic-pituitary axis; health protection agency
HSVHerpes Simplex Virus
HepAhepatitis A
IRVinspiratory reserve volume
IUBIntraUterine Ball
IVUintravenous urography
LAFaleft anterior forearm
LD50lethal dose at which 50% of animal test group dies
LOOPloop electrosurgical excision procedure
LORloss of resistance
LSCleft subclavian
LWOTleft without treatment
MSCSMultiple Sclerosis Certified Specialist
MSRmotor sensory reflex
NAETNambudripad allergy elimination techniques
NBTNF/Mnewborn, term, normal, female/male
NIPVLnon-invasive peripheral vascular laboratory
NMMNorthland Medical Managers
NMSNeuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
NSInasal saline irrigations
OAEoto acoustic emissions
OLTOrthotopic Liver Transplant
OMEotitis media with effusion
ONSoncology nursing society
PANAHPakistan National Heart Association
PASGpneumatic anti-shock garments
PHPpartial hospitalization program; primary health care provider
PIFprolactin release-inhibiting factor; peak inspiratory flow
PPOpreferred provider organization
PRPer Rectum
PRPNPatient Reported Peripheral Neuropathy
RAOright anterior oblique
RLLRight Lower Lobe; also Right Lower Lid
RPNReal Professional Nurses
RVEFright ventricular ejection factor
SIEstroke in evolution
SMSHSwiss Medical Society for Hypnosis
TEFtracheoesophageal fistula
TEPtracheo-esophageal puncture
TLtotal laryngectomy; tubal ligation; translingual (through the tongue)
TOSthoracic outlet syndrome
TRFthyrotropin-releasing factor; total fluid removed
TURBTTransurethral Resection Bladder Tumor
TURPTransurethral Prostatectomy
TmThulium (element)
UACumbilical artery catheter
WGLwithin good limits
XRextended-release; x-ray
cm2square centimeter
csconditioned stimulus
dBPdiastolic blood pressure
fl ozfluid ounce
p.o.By mouth. From the Latin terminology per os.
q2hEvery 2 hours. As in taking a medicine every 2 hours.
ststraight; stage (disease); stomach

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