What is DPIN medical abbreviation?

What does the DPIN medical term mean?

In some cases, the abbreviation DPIN may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation DPIN stand for?

What does DPIN stand for in medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, it is Drug Program Information Network the medical abbreviation DPIN stands for.

DPIN: Drug Program Information Network

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADHDAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
BBPblood-borne pathogens
BCCABC Cancer Agency
BFPbiological false-positive; of a pregnancy test big fat positive
BHMPBehavioral Health Medical Professional
BICEBasel Institute for Clinical Epidemiology
BRBed Rest
C-spinecervical spine
C/OComplains Of
CAVPcontinuous arterial venous pressure
CBOcommunity based organization
CFTRcystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator
CFUcolony forming unit
CNACertified Nurse Aide
CRESTcalcinosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasias
CSScentral service supply
CSUcatheter specimen of urine
Chem panelChemistry panel. A comprehensive screening blood test that indicates the status of the liver, kidneys, and electrolytes.
DBSdeep brain stimulation; dorsal blocking splint
ECUextensor carpi ulnaris; emergency care unit
ED&Celectrodessication and curettage
EMSRSEmergency Medical Services Retirement System
FDLMPfirst date last menstrual period
GABABgamma-aminobutyric acid type b
GIRFTgetting it right first time
GOOGastric Outlet Obstruction
GTMSGraduate Training in Medical Science
HBTHydrogen Breath Test
HSMHolo-Systolic Murmur; also Hepato-Splenomegaly
IBWIdeal Body Weight
IFCinterferential current
JDMGJohn Deere Medical Group
KDKawasaki disease
LADDdiagonal branch of the left anterior; lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital
LRSBlower right sternal border
LUAleft upper arm
LVADLeft Ventricular Assist Device
M/uLmillion per microliter
MCEMedical Coaching Experience
MDCFMedical Device Coordination Framework
MDRTBMulti-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
MFMMaternal-Fetal Medicine
MMEFRmaximal mid-expiratory flow rate
MOmedical officer; months old
MRAmagnetic resonance angiography
MSIVPMaximum Slope of the Initial Vascular Phase
NSUnonspecific urethritis; non-specific urethritis
O.D.Right eye.
ONOptic Nerve; Over Night
ORoperating room
ORSoral rehydration solution
PAPosterior-Anterior; also Physician’s Assistant
PCRApatient controlled regional analgesia
PGFpaternal grandfather
PO2partial pressure of oxygen
PRKphotorefractive keratectomy
PUBSpercutaneous umbilical blood sampling
Paco2partial pressure of carbon dioxide in alveolar gas
PapPapanicolaou smear
RAIDrapid assessment, interface and discharge
RANArheumatoid arthritis nuclear antigen
RATxradiation therapy
RPLNDRetroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection
RS3PEsymmetrical synovitis with pitting edema
RUDright uterine displacement
RVTright vastus lateralis
T&CType and Cross
TARtotal ankle replacement; total all routes (intake)
TBBMDtotal body bone mineral density
TBEtick-borne encephalitis
TGFtransforming growth factor
TIStumor in situ
TMNTumor Metastases Nodes (universal tumor staging system)
TOATubo-Ovarian Abscess
UPCunits of packed cells
UToxurine toxicology screen (for drugs)
VHFvery high frequency; viral hemorrhagic fever
VZVvaricella zoster virus
dupduplication, duplicate
iFRinstant wave-free ratio
memmember; memory
trtrace; tincture

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