What does SSZ medical abbreviation stand for?

What is the meaning of the SSZ medical abbreviation?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of SSZ abbreviation. However, what does the medical term SSZ stand for?

What is the SSZ medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation SSZ means sulfasalazine.

SSZ: sulfasalazine

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACLAnterior Cruciate Ligament
ASUAmbulatory Surgery Unit
BIBAbrought in by ambulance
BPSbilateral partial salpingectomy
CD-ROMcompact disc read-only memory
CNCranial Nerves
CPcleft palate; chest pain; cerebral palsy; cicatricial pemphigoid; cardiopulmonary
CTOclinical trial outline
DSCDoctor of Surgical Chiropody
DVdouble vision; domestic violence; daily value (nutrition)
EAEexperimental allergic encephalomyelitis
EICEpidermal Inclusion Cyst
FAforearm; folic acid; femoral artery; fatty acid
FBGfasting blood glucose
FHxfamily history
HIAhealth impact assessment
IPNinterstitial pneumonia
IVSSintravenous soluset
Id.the same
LASERlight amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
LFTLiver Function Test
LRSBlower right sternal border
MBPSMunchausen-by-proxy syndrome
MGLIgM phospholipid unit
NRMnon-rebreathing mask
NRTInucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
NaClSodium Chloride
P&Apercussion and auscultation
PADPeripheral Arterial Disease
PCTproximal convoluted tubule; patient care technician; photochemical treatment
PK testPrausnitz-kustner test
PLIFposterior lumbar interbody fusion
PRBCpacked red blood cell(s)
PUpassed urine, peptic ulcer; peptic ulcer
REBRebound, as in rebound tenderness of the abdomen when pushed in and then released.
RVVCrecurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis
SAUstandard IgA beta-2 glycoprotein unit
SEsubstantially equivalent; status epilepticus; side effects; standard error
SERMselective estrogen receptor modulator
STGshort-term goals; serum triglycerides
TBBMDtotal body bone mineral density
UHFultrahigh frequency
XDRextensively drug-resistant
YbYtterbium (element)
paplacenta abruption
pcafter meals (post cibos)

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