What does d4t medical abbreviation mean?

What does the medical term d4t stand for?

In some cases, the abbreviation d4t may have a few different meanings. However, what does the d4t medical term mean?

What does d4t medical abbreviation mean?

In the medicine field, the d4t abbreviation stands for stavudine.

d4t: stavudine

Related Medical Abbreviations

BCPSBoard Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist
BSCbiological safety cabinet; bedside commode
BTLSbasic trauma life support
BWSbattered woman syndrome
CPPDCalcium Pyrophosphate Disease
CSPcarotid sinus pressure
DCDischarge; Discontinue; Doctor of Chiropractics
DONdirector of nursing
DSM-IVDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition
FBCfull blood count
FGFfibroblast growth factor
FIVforced inspiratory volume
GDgestational diabetes
GPTglutamic-pyruvic transaminase
HAARTHighly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy
HCVDhypertensive cardiovascular disease
HeHelium (element)
IDInfectious Diseases
IDUidouridizine; idoxuridine; injection drug user
LABAlong-acting beta agonist
LWDliving with disease
MLPAmultiplex ligation dependent probe amplification
MMAmethylmalonic acid
O&Gobstetrics and gynecology
O/Eon examination
PJPPneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
PPOpreferred provider organization
PSSphysiologic saline solution; progressive systemic sclerosis
PVRIPulmonary Vascular Resistance Index
RFRheumatoid Factor; also Risk Factor
RVFright ventricular function; right ventricular failure
ReAreactive arthritis
SNSsupplemental nursing system; sympathetic nervous system
SOPstandard operating procedure
SVEsterile vaginal examination
TAH-ttotal artificial heart
TLCTriple Lumen Catheter; Total Lung Capacity
TORPtotal ossicular replacement (prosthesis)
TPItreponema pallidum immobilization (syphilis test); trigger point injection
TPRtemperature, pulse, respiration; total peripheral resistance
VCUGVoiding Cysto-Urethrogram
derivderive, derivative
eGFRestimated glomerular filtration rate [case sensitive]
gravpregnancy (gravida)
q.s.a sufficient quantity; as much as needed

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