What is the meaning of ADOS medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the ADOS medical abbreviation?

The ADOS abbreviation may have multiplied meanings. However, what is the meaning of the medical abbreviation ADOS?

What does ADOS medical abbreviation mean?

In the science & medicine, the meaning of the medical abbreviation ADOS is Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule.

ADOS: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule

Related Medical Abbreviations

ANDAxillary Node Dissection
BSLEbullous systemic lupus erythematosus
C/wconsistent with; continue with
CIDPChronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
CLDDCross Linked Diethylaminoethyl Dextran
CTOclinical trial outline
DB&Cdeep breathing and coughing
DCTdistal convoluted tubule
DDxdifferential diagnosis
DNC, D&C, or D and CDilation and curettage. Widening the cervix and scrapping with a curette for the purpose of removing tissue lining the inner surface of the womb (uterus).
DNODid Not Obtain
EBMEvidence Based Medicine
EDRelectrodermal response
EIA Uenzyme immunoassay unit
ENAextractable nuclear antigen
ESLDEnd Stage Liver Disease
EWCLExtended Wear Contact Lens
FAforearm; folic acid; femoral artery; fatty acid
GBEDGlycogen Branching Enzyme Disorder
GMgrandmother; genetically modified
GSGram Stain
HAPEHigh Altitude Pulmonary Edema
HELLPHemolysis Elevated Liver tests Low Platelets
HHNChypertonic hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma
HOCMHypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
HPFhigh-powered field
ICimmune complex; infection control; informed consent; inspiratory capacity; interstitial cystitis; intracardiac
IDInfectious Diseases
IDRidiosyncratic drug reaction
IUInternational units.
IgDimmunoglobulin D
L&Ulower and upper
LDRPlabor, delivery, recovery, postpartum room
LEEPloop electrosurgical excision procedure
LESlower esophageal sphincter
LIFAleft inner forearm
LNMPlast normal menstrual period
LaLanthanum (element); La antigen; lactic acidosis
MALTmucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
MASTAMedical Advisory Service for Travellers Abroad
MEOmost efficient organization
MFOAMedical Front Office Assistant
MMMultiple Myeloma
MSSCMedical Society of Sedgwick County
NIHnational institutes of health
NILnegative intraepithelial lesion
NIMHNational Institute of Mental Health
NSVnon-specific vaginitis
PALSPediatric Advanced Life Support
PNBXProstate Needle Biopsy
PNDParoxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea also Post Nasal Drip
POCTpoint of care testing
PR3proteinase 3
PTLpre-term labor
PrPprion protein
RACright antecubital
REMrapid eye movement (sleep)
RIErecorded in error
RMSFrocky mountain spotted fever
RVCresponds to verbal commands
RVFright ventricular function; right ventricular failure
SCTstem cell transplantation; sickle cell trait; salmon calcitonin
SIWself-inflicted wound
SQVsaquinavir (antiviral drug)
SVTsupraventricular tachycardia
Sig.write on label (signa)
TBWtotal body water; total body weight
TIHtumor-induced hypercalcemia
VGventral gluteal
WD/WNwell developed, well nourished
YOByear of birth
mmHgmillimeter of mercury
phnipinhole no improvement
pmolpicomole (one trillionth of a mole)
rBSTrecombinant bovine somatotropin
sympsymptoms; symptomatic
vagvagina; vaginal

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