What is the meaning of GBED medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation GBED mean?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of GBED abbreviation. However, what is GBED in medical terms?

What is GBED medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the GBED medical abbreviation is the meaning of Glycogen Branching Enzyme Disorder.

GBED: Glycogen Branching Enzyme Disorder

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6MWTSix Minute Walk Test
Ad libAt liberty. For example, a patient may be permitted to move out of bed freely and orders would, therefore, be for activities to be ad lib.
BBBBundle Branch Block
BOHboard of health
BRMbiological response modifier
BSFbasal skull fracture
BSIblood stream infection; body substance isolation
BTPbladder training program
BeBeryllium (element)
CD4helper T lymphocytes
CDEComplete dental (oral) evaluation.
CNISCarotid Non-Invasive Study
CUDcarnitine uptake defect
DIBdifficulty in breathing
DLVdelavirdine (antiviral drug)
DMIdiaphragmatic myocardial infarction
DTHdelayed-type hypersensitivity
DTaPdiphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis
DUDuodenal Ulcer
EBRTExternal Beam Radiation Therapy
FACPFellow of the American College of Physicians
FACSFellow, American College of Surgeons; fluorescence-activated cell sorter
GBMGlioblastoma Multiforme
GERDGastroesophageal Reflux
HAZOPhazard and operability
HDCVhuman diploid cell rabies vaccine
HHEhealth hazard evaluation
HNPCChereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer
IDGinterdisciplinary group
IHInguinal Hernia (usually preceded by L or R)
IPIinternational prognostic index
IUGRintrauterine growth retardation
IVSSintravenous soluset
LCLLateral Collateral Ligament
LMPLast Menstrual Period
LPLumbar Puncture
LVGleft ventriculogram
LWOTleft without treatment
MAO-Bmonoamine oxidase-b
NEDno evidence of disease
NHLNon-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
NRDSneonatal respiratory distress syndrome
OBS/OBDorganic brain syndrome/organic brain disorder
PASpara amino-salicylic acid; para-aminosalicylic acid; periodic acid-schiff (stain)
PFCpersistent fetal circulation; prefrontal cortex; permanent flexure contracture; plaque forming cell (assay)
PPHNpersistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
PPIPput prevention into practice
PSHPast Surgical History
PTKphototherapeutic keratectomy
QSquantity sufficient
RAIDrapid assessment, interface and discharge
RFARadio Frequency Ablation; Right Femoral Artery
RHDRheumatic Heart Disease
RLERight Lower Extremity
RNSTreactive non stress test
RVSRegistered Vascular Specialist
RhRhodium (element); Rhesus factor
SAHSub-Arachnoid Hemorrhage
SIRSSystemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
SLRStraight Leg Raise
STHsomatotrophic hormone (somatotropin)
SUIstress urinary incontinence
TLSOthoracolumbar sacroorthosis
TRBFtotal renal blood flow
URTupper respiratory tract
V fibventricular fibrillation
VADvascular access device
VEGFvascular endothelial growth factor
VINvulvar intraepithelial neoplasia
VTVentricular Tachycardia
WCTwide complex tachycardia
WHOWorld Health Organization
X&Dexamination and diagnosis
XeXenon (element)
q2hEvery 2 hours. As in taking a medicine every 2 hours.

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