What does CT3 medical abbreviation stand for?

What does CT3 mean in medical terms?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the CT3 abbreviation. However, what is the meaning of the CT3 medical abbreviation?

CT3 medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

In medical field, the CT3 medical abbreviation stands for Troponin T-C Antibody.

CT3: Troponin T-C Antibody

Related Medical Abbreviations

AMJAsian Medical Journal
BDRBackground Diabetic Retinopathy
BLSbasic life support
BMBone Marrow; also Bowel Movement
BPharmBachelor of Pharmacy
BTXBotulinum toxin
C/BComplicated By
CACTcarnitine acylcarnitine translocase (deficiency)
CAIcomputer assisted instruction
CDACertified Dental Assistant
CDADClostridium difficile-associated diarrhea
CoACoenzyme A
DDiarrhea; also Disk
DLEdiscoid lupus erythematosus
DMARDdisease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug
EUSendoscopic ultrasound
FAforearm; folic acid; femoral artery; fatty acid
FEMSFire Emergency Medical Services
FRMTFirst Response Medical Training
GTTGlucose Tolerance Test
HCCHepatocellular Carcinoma
HCOhealth care organization
HGSILhigh-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
HHNChypertonic hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma
HIMhealth information management; hepatosplenomegaly
HPLChigh-performance liquid chromatography
HThypertension; hormone therapy
IBWIdeal Body Weight
ICEideas, concerns, and expectations
IFRinfection fatality ratio; instrument flight rules
IMIInferior Myocardial Infarction
IRBIndications Risks Benefits; Institutional Review Board
IVADintravenous access device
IVPIntravenous Pyelogram
KCSkeratoconjunctivitis sicca
L-3third lumbar vertebra
LGleft gluteal/gluteus
LVGleft ventriculogram
LWOTleft without treatment
LuLutetium (element)
MAPmean arterial pressure
MMFRmaximum mid-expiratory flow rate
MPVmean platelet volume
MRgFUSMR-guided focused ultrasound surgery
MSImagnetic source imaging; microsatellite instability
MUAmedically underserved areas
MUSmedically unexplained symptoms
NHPnursing home placement
NILnegative intraepithelial lesion
O.U.Both eyes.
PHNpublic health nurse
PMHPast Medical History
PR/Rper rectum/rectal
PVDPeripheral Vascular Disease; Posterior Vitreous Detachment
PbLead (element)
QMPqualified medical practitioner
R/ORule Out
RETrational emotive therapy; esotrophia (right)
SCIspinal cord injury
SEMSystolic Ejection Murmur (with reference to cardiac exam)
SEMIsubendocardial myocardial infarction
SGSwan-Ganz catheter; specific gravity; skin graft; suicide gesture
SILsquamous intraepithelial lesion
SMACsequential multiple analyzer computer
STMshort-term memory
ScScandium (element)
TBItraumatic brain injury
TGAtransposition of the great arteries (formerly TGV, transposition of the great vessels)
TOLACtrial of labor after cesarean section
URQupper right quadrant
UVCumbilical venous catheter
VISvaccination instruction sheet; vaccine information sheet
VKAvitamin K antagonist
VSVital Signs
VSSVital Signs Stable
WHOWorld Health Organization
cm2square centimeter
extextremity; extend; exterior, external; extract
in vivoIn the body
monomonocyte; mononucleosis
nLnanoliter (billionth of a liter)
odevery day (omnes dies)
omn. noct.every night
wmwhite male

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