What is the IVP medical abbreviation?

What does the IVP medical term stand for?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation IVP. However, what is the medical term IVP?

What is IVP medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the IVP medical abbreviation is the meaning of Intravenous Pyelogram.

IVP: Intravenous Pyelogram

Related Medical Abbreviations

ABAntibody; also Abortion
ACLAnterior Cruciate Ligament
ARBAngiotensin Receptor Blocker
B-Medbehavioral medicine
BIOTbiotinidase deficiency
BScBachelor of Science
BrBromine (element)
C2second cervical vertebra
CUCchronic ulcerative colitis
CUmcubic micron
D&CDilatation and Currettage
DOCdeoxycorticosterone; drug of choice
EABelective abortion
FFLflexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy
FPGfasting plasma glucose
GGuiac (followed by + or -)
HPIHistory of Present Illness
HPVHuman Papilloma Virus
IAWin accordance with
KPIkey performance indicator
LC-MSliquid chromatography mass spectrometry
LGIlower gastrointestinal
LGSILlow-grade squamous, intra-epithelial lesion
LOALysis Of Adhesions
LPDluteal phase defect
LTPlong-term potentiation
MAOmonoamine oxidase
MCDmultiple carboxylase deficiency
MPHmiles per hour; Master of Public Health
NFPnatural family planning
NSVnon-specific vaginitis
O&Gobstetrics and gynecology
OCoral contraceptive; osteocalcin; obstetrical conjugate; oleoresin capsicum; oral cavity
PCTproximal convoluted tubule; patient care technician; photochemical treatment
PERRLA+Cpupils equal, round, react to light, accommodation ok, and coordinated
POLSTphysician orders for life-sustaining therapy
PRVCpressure regulated volume control
PVCPremature Ventricular Contraction
R.B.C.red blood cells
S/Ssigns and symptoms
SIADHSyndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuretic Hormone secretion
STHsomatotrophic hormone (somatotropin)
UNSAUnstable Angina
VISvaccination instruction sheet; vaccine information sheet
WNWDwell-nourished, well-developed
esubelectronic submission

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