What does IRB medical abbreviation stand for?

What is the medical term IRB?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the IRB abbreviation. Here is the meaning of IRB mean in medical terms.

What does IRB medical abbreviation mean?

In medical field, However, the medical abbreviation IRB stands for Indications Risks Benefits; Institutional Review Board.

IRB: Indications Risks Benefits; Institutional Review Board

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ftfoot, feet (0.3048 meter)
L/Min L/mliters per minute
QNSQuantity Not Sufficient
STVshort term variability
MRMitral Regurgitation
EMA-IgAimmunoglobulin a antiendomysial
HSAhealth services administration; human serum albumin
NCSNerve Conduction Study
CCAcalcium channel antagonist; common carotid artery
TIMIthrombolysis in myocardial infarction
IGHimpaired glucose homeostasis
DDHdevelopmental dysplasia of the hip
FPGfasting plasma glucose
CPBcompetitive protein binding
VASvibroacoustic stimulator; visual analog scale
IEFisoelectric focusing
PE tubespolyethylene tubes
VEGFvascular endothelial growth factor
PAHpara-aminohippurate; polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon
PBpudendal block or peripheral blood
LTLlaparoscopic tubal ligation
LBPLow Back Pain

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