BFFD medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

What does the medical abbreviation BFFD mean?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of BFFD abbreviation. However, what is the meaning of the medical term BFFD?

BFFD medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In science & medicine, the BFFD medical abbreviation is the meaning of Break Free from Depression.

BFFD: Break Free from Depression

Related Medical Abbreviations

AIHMAcademy of Integrative Health Medicine
ARMEAccident Relief Medical Equipment
BBTSBelgian Brain Tumor Support
BCPPBoard Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist
BCPSBoard Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist
BEMCBachelor of Emergency Medical Care
BMDbone mineral density
BPharmBachelor of Pharmacy
BRFBig Red Flag
CACHChildhood ataxia with central nervous system hypomyelination
CBLSCenter for Biomedical and Life Sciences
CCTcertificate of completion of training; controlled cord traction
CDPACanadian Dental Protective Association
CLDchronic liver disease
CMGBClub Medical du Grand Boulogne
CRAUCertified Responsible Antibiotic Use
CRScongenital rubella syndrome; chronic rhinosinusitis
CRTCertified Respiratory Therapist; capillary refill time; cardiac resynchronization therapy
CWPCoal workers’ pneumoconiosis
DDSIDigestive Disease Specialists Inc
EAMTEmergency Animal Medical Technicians
EMTEmergency Medical Technician
EOMIExtra Ocular Muscles Intact
EPSElectro-Physiologic Study
EuEuropium (element)
FCRflexor carpi radialis
FLITFetal lung interstitial tumor
FRMGFullerton Radiology Medical Group
FSBSfinger stick blood glucose/sugar
GBEDGlycogen Branching Enzyme Disorder
GCPgood clinical practice
GHRFgrowth hormone-releasing factor
GONBGreater Occipital Nerve Block
GPTglutamic-pyruvic transaminase
HCVHepatitis C Virus
HMG-CoAhydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A
HPVHuman Papilloma Virus
ICPIntra-Cranial Pressure
IGFinsulin-like growth factor
IMA (L/R)internal mammary artery-left/right
JHIJournal of Hospital Infection
LCMALitchfield County Medical Association
LOFAleft outer forearm
LQTSlong QT syndrome
LS ratiolecithin-sphingomyelin ratio
LTGlong-term goals
M/uLmillion per microliter
MOABmonoclonal antibodies
MPSmucopolysaccharidosis; Medical Protection Society
NFnational formulary; neurofibromatosis
NT-proBNPN-terminal pro b-type natriuretic peptide
NTMnon-tuberculosis mycobacteria
ODDoppositional defiant disorder
OTFCoral transmucosal fentanyl citrate
PABprofessional advisory board
PAPAAPsoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance
PEApulseless electrical activity
PHMOPublic Health Medical Officers
PMFProfessional Medical Film
PMHAProgram in Medical Humanities Arts
PMSPremenstrual syndrome
PORPpartial ossicular replacement prosthesis
PREprogressive resistive exercise
PhDDoctor of Philosophy
RIRespiratory Infection
SCCMSociety of Critical Care Medicine
SOIDSection On Infectious Diseases
SSSSstaphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
SUDsingle-use device; substance use disorder; sudden unexpected death
Svsievert (unit)
TNStranscutaneous nerve stimulation
TODtarget organ damage
UCBumbilical cord blood
UVBultraviolet B (rays)
VCUGVoiding Cysto-Urethrogram
VP Shuntventricular peritoneal shunt
WAOWorld Allergy Organization
mm3cubic millimeter
p.r.n.As needed. So that it is not always done, but done only when the situation calls for it (or example, taking a pain medication only when having pain and not without pain).
q.d.Each day. As in taking a medicine daily.
qodEvery other day. As in taking a medicine every other day.

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