WAO medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

What does the abbreviation WAO stand for in medical terms?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation WAO. However, what does the medical term WAO stand for?

WAO medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In medicine, the medical term WAO stands for World Allergy Organization.

WAO: World Allergy Organization

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADLActivities of Daily Living
AYHAlign Your Health
BE PRNBoth Eyes Pro Re Nata (in Latin) when necessary
BMRTBachelor of Medical Radiotherapy Technology
BRVOBranch Retinal Vein Occlusion
BSEbovine spongiform encephalopathy; breast self-examination
CAGEcontrolling, anger/annoyance, guilt, eye opener (questions)
CAMcomplementary and alternative medicine
CAVPcontinuous arterial venous pressure
CBFcerebral blood flow
CDACertified Dental Assistant
CHLconductive hearing loss
COCardiac Output
COPEchronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema
CPSChild Protective Services
CSPMCalifornia School of Podiatric Medicine
CSUcatheter specimen of urine
CVDcardiovascular disease; cerebrovascular disease
DEPICTEDDevelopment and Evaluation of a Psychosocial Intervention in Children and Teenagers Experiencing Diabetes
DMDiabetes Mellitus
DSWDoctor of Social Work
DWIdriving while intoxicated
EAAessential amino acids
EMSEmergency Medical System
FDPflexor digitorum profundus; fibrin degradation products
FETforced expiratory technique; frozen embryo transfer
FMECFamily Medicine Education Consortium
FRGfunctional related groups
GSGram Stain
H&Nhead and neck
HCWhealth care worker
HNPCChereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer
IFRinfection fatality ratio; instrument flight rules
IJMLInternational Journal of Medical Laboratory
ILARassociations for rheumatology
IMITInstitute of Medical Imaging Technology
IMNInternational Medical Network
JACMJournal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
KClpotassium chloride
KFMCKing Fahd Medical City
LADDdiagonal branch of the left anterior; lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital
LGLlarge granular lymphocyte; Lown Ganong Levine syndrome
LHRHLeutinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone
MABPmean arterial blood pressure
MCNAAMedical Clinics of North America
MRMitral Regurgitation
MSACMedical Services Advisory Committee
MeRdMethyl Red (stain)
NCIMSNorth Carolina Integrative Medical Society
NDRNational Diabetes Registry
NILnegative intraepithelial lesion
NMRnuclear magnetic resonance
NSICUneurosciences intensive care unit
NeNeon (element)
OMOtitis Media
OMEDOhio Medical Education Day
OOTout of town
P-Aposteroanterior; posterior-anterior; placenta abruption
PPHNpersistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
PPIPput prevention into practice
QOFquality and outcomes framework
RASTradioallergosorbent test
RIBArecombinant immunoblot assay
SISsaline infusion sonohysterosalpingography
SOPstandard operating procedure
STGshort-term goals; serum triglycerides
STIRShort Tau Inversion Recover
TDCSTranscranial Direct Current Stimulation
TEFtracheoesophageal fistula
TNFATumor Necrosis Factor Alpha
TOLACtrial of labor after cesarean section
UNunited nations
VHvitreous hemorrhage; viral hepatitis; visual hallucinations
WFLwithin functional limits
eGFRestimated glomerular filtration rate [case sensitive]
femfemoral; female
in vitroIn the laboratory
p.o.By mouth. From the Latin terminology per os.
pgpicogram (one trillionth of a gram)
psychpsychiatry, psychology
q2hEvery 2 hours. As in taking a medicine every 2 hours.

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