What does Trig medical abbreviation mean?

What does the medical abbreviation Trig mean?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of Trig abbreviation. However, what is the meaning of the Trig medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of Trig medical abbreviation?

In medical field, However, the medical abbreviation Trig stands for triglyceride.

Trig: triglyceride

Related Medical Abbreviations

AAAlcoholics Anonymous; African American
ACLAnterior Cruciate Ligament
BTLSbasic trauma life support
BWbirth weight; body weight
CCCCentral Corneal Clouding
CMEcontinuing medical education
CNACertified Nurse Aide
CPEchronic pulmonary emphysema
CTEchronic traumatic encephalopathy
CTLSOcervical thoracic lumbar sacral orthosis
DOUDirect Observation Unit
DPGNdiffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis
ECUextensor carpi ulnaris; emergency care unit
EMCelectromagnetic compatibility
ERPeffective refractory period; emergency response plan
EVARendovascular aneurysm repair
FBDfibrocystic disease
GDMgestational diabetes mellitus
H/O or h/oHistory of. A past event that occurred.
HAZOPhazard and operability
HTLV-IIIhuman t lymphotropic virus type iii
Hb A1cglycosylated hemoglobin
IOIintraosseous infusion
LATleft anterolateral thigh
LTElife-threatening event; less than effective
MARmedication administration record
NGSnext generation sequencing
PSCPrimary Sclerosing Cholangitis
RAEright atrial enlargement
RIFAright inner forearm
SCrserum creatinine
SISsaline infusion sonohysterosalpingography
SScsystemic sclerosis
SWIsurgical wound infection
TMJTemporo-Mandibular Joint
TORPtotal ossicular replacement (prosthesis)
WSWilliams syndrome; work simplification
XCexact carbon
derivderive, derivative
k/uLkilo per microliter
revreview; reverse; revision
wmwhite male

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