What does BDHS mean in medical abbreviation?

What does the abbreviation BDHS mean in medical terms?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation BDHS. However, what does the medical abbreviation BDHS mean?

BDHS medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In science & medicine, it is Bozeman Deaconess Health Services the medical abbreviation BDHS stands for.

BDHS: Bozeman Deaconess Health Services

Related Medical Abbreviations

AAMPSArizona Association of Medical Products Suppliers
AAMSIAmerican Association for Medical Systems and Informatics
AHNAllegheny Health Network
ARDSAdult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
ASDHAssociation for Senior Day Health
AnuricNot producing urine. A person who is anuric is often critical and may require dialysis.
BIPPBismuth Iodoform Paraffin Paste
BKbelow the knee
BMMFBible and Medical Missionary Fellowship
BSHSMBachelor of Science in Health Services Management
Bab.Babinski reflex
CESHACentre for Excellence in Skeletal Health Assessment
CHUCentre Hospitalier Universitaire
CIBHchange in bowel habits
CLDchronic liver disease
CRMGCheyenne Regional Medical Group
CROclinical research organization
EGFepidermal growth factor
ELISAenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
ESMAEuropean Sports Medicine Associates
ESRErythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
FFHHFunctional Foods and Human Health
FTDfrontotemporal dementia
GDIGender Development Index
GFMgood fetal movement
GHHGlobal Human Health
GMDNGlobal Medical Device Nomenclature
HGPSHospital General de la Plaza de la Salud
HMPVhuman metapneumovirus
HOPEHold On, Pain Ends
HSAhealth services administration; human serum albumin
ICERincremental cost effectiveness ratio
IDIRInfectious Diarrhea of Infant Rats
IDMPInternational Day of Medical Physics
IIDintermittent infusion device (saline lock)
IPAPinspired positive airway pressure
JSPUJapanese Society of Pressure Ulcers
L85Leiden-85 cohort
LFFHLiverpool First For Health
LIFAleft inner forearm
LSBleft sternal border
LVHLeft Ventricular Hypertrophy
MAO-Bmonoamine oxidase-b
MBPSMunchausen-by-proxy syndrome
MERTmedical emergency response team
MFWMultiple fragment wounds
MHOACMedical Health Operational Area Coordinator
MMRIMasonic Medical Research Institute
MPHCMedical Pavilion at Howard County
MSSAMethicillin Sensitive Staph Aureus
NAEPNorth American Education Program (on managing pain and sleep issues in multiple sclerosis, a joint program of the MS Society of Canada and the National MS Society (USA))
NBHSnewborn hearing screen
NHPAPNew Hospital Pharmaceutical Assessment Process
NKHGnonketotic hyperglycinemia
NMCHNalanda Medical College and Hospital
NMTnot more than
NREMnon-rapid eye movement
OPROCoutpatient procedure
PHEBPublic Health Effectiveness Bulletin
PINprostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
PMNLpolymorphonuclear leukocyte
PSFSPatient-Specific Functional Scale
PTPBPeabody Treatment Progress Battery
PVRPost Void Residual
QYEQuan Yin Experience
RAURecurrent Aphthous Ulcers
RIGRabies Immunoglobulin
RSBIRapid Shallow Breathing Index
RVRight Ventricle; Residual Volume
SAPISSubstance Abuse Prevention/Intervention Specialists
SBGMself blood glucose monitoring
SCrserum creatinine
SIRESstabilize, identify toxin, reverse effect, eliminate toxin, support
SOD SALSODium SALicylate
SS#Social Security Number
TATturnaround time; thematic apperception test; tetanus antitoxin
TCCNSWThe Cancer Council New South Wales
TCITransient Cerebral Ischemia
UAPunlicensed assistive personnel; unstable angina pectoris
WANSWorld Academy of Nursing Science
WJMCWest Jefferson Medical Center
WVMPWrington Vale Medical Practice
instinstruction, instructed; instrument; institution
pIgRpolymeric immunoglobulin receptor

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