What is NAEP medical abbreviation?

What does medical abbreviation NAEP mean?

There may be more than one meaning of NAEP. However, what does the NAEP medical term mean?

What is NAEP medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine, the meaning of the medical abbreviation NAEP is North American Education Program (on managing pain and sleep issues in multiple sclerosis, a joint program of the MS Society of Canada and the National MS Society (USA)).

NAEP: North American Education Program (on managing pain and sleep issues in multiple sclerosis, a joint program of the MS Society of Canada and the National MS Society (USA))

Related Medical Abbreviations

ABCDEAsymmetry, Borders, Colour, Diameter, Expert
ACTMAustralasian College of Tropical Medicine
AIDSAcquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome
BLLBBone Ligament Labrum Bone
BRBed Rest
BSTbreast stimulation test; blood serological test
COPEchronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema
COREcoordinated outbreak response and evaluation
DORWGDiabetes and Obesity Research Working Group
EBVEpstein Barr Virus
EEDerythema elevatum diutinum
EGFepidermal growth factor
EHCemergency hormonal contraception
EJCNEuropean Journal of Clinical Nutrition
EOPemergency operations plan
ESHEnvironment Safety And Health
FELTPField Epidemiology and Lab Training Program
FMFFamilial Mediterranean Fever
FPFamily Practitioner
FSMBFederation of State Medical Boards
FXSfragile X syndrome
GHAGroup Health Associates
GUGenito-Urinary; also Gastric Ulcer
GVHDGraft Versus Host Disease
H&Ehematoxylin and eosin
HAM-DHamilton Rating Scale for Depression
HEGHealth Economics Group
HOCHealth Occupations Center
HOPEHold On, Pain Ends
HOSAhealth occupations students of
HThypertension; hormone therapy
ICUPIntensive Care Unit Practitioners
IOLIntra-Ocular Lens
JPHAJapan Public Health Association
LAAleft atrial appendage
M&MMorbidity and Mortality
MABPmean arterial blood pressure
MARFMedical Acupuncture Research Foundation
MCANMedical Committee Afghanistan Netherlands
MERAMedical Equipment Repair Associates
MHPRAMedicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
MINDSMedical Information Network Distribution Service
MISaDMilan Study on Atherosclerosis and Diabetes
MMRMeasles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine
MSIVPMaximum Slope of the Initial Vascular Phase
NIMETNanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology
NiNickel (element)
OCPMOhio College of Podiatric Medicine
PADPpulmonary artery diastolic pressure
PBOELPerformance-Based Occupational Exposure Limit (Industrial Hygiene)
PERRLAPupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation.
PEWSPaediatric Early Warning Score
PHMSPig Health Monitoring Services
PHNpublic health nurse
PMPprevious menstrual period
PPSHPseudovaginal Perineoscrotal Hypospadias
PPVpneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine; positive predictive value
PUMSPoznan University of Medical Science
ROMIRule Out Myocardial Infarction
RRPRadical Retropubic Prostatectomy
SFIMSporadic Fatal Infectious Mononucleosis
SMERFStudent Medical Emergency Relief Fund
SMOSTSummary of Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment
SMWTSix Minute Walk Test
SPLATTsplit anterior tibial tendon transfer
STARSShock Trauma Air Rescue Service
STIDSexually -Transmitted Infection Disease
STSNStichting Tubereuze Sclerosis Nederland
SVASupraVentricular Arrhythmia
Svsievert (unit)
T&SType and Screen
TIMIthrombolysis in myocardial infarction
TSDtime since death
TWT Wave
VGventral gluteal
WANSWorld Academy of Nursing Science
comp.compound; complication; compounded of
dislocdislocate, dislocation
pgpicogram (one trillionth of a gram)
pregpregnancy, pregnant

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