What is FFHH medical abbreviation?

What does FFHH mean in medical terms?

The abbreviation FFHH may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation FFHH mean?

What does FFHH stand for in medical abbreviation?

In medical field, the FFHH medical abbreviation stands for Functional Foods and Human Health.

FFHH: Functional Foods and Human Health

Related Medical Abbreviations

AHPTAllied Health Physical Therapy
AIMMCAdvocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center
AMEDDArmy MEDical Department
BCDTBoron Chemicals in Diagnosis & Therapeutics
BHOMBehavioral Health Outcomes Management
BJMHSBrief Jail Mental Health Screen
BMBone Marrow; also Bowel Movement
BMBSBiomedicine and Molecular Biosciences
BMSTBangalore Medical Services Trust
BPBlood Pressure
C-spinecervical spine
CGAcontact guard assist; comprehensive geriatric assessment
CNHCCoalition For Nonprofit Health Care
COMchronic otitis media
CTSXCardiothoracic Surgery
CTZchemoreceptor trigger zone
D&Adrug and alcohol
DHWDDelta Health and Wellness Day
DMEPOSDurable Medical Equipment Prosthetics Orthotics and Supplies
DVT/PEDeep Venous Thrombosis/Pulmonary Embolism
EASExternal anal sphincter
EPTExpedited partner therapy
ERMCEaton Rapids Medical Center
FIASFocal Impaired Awareness Seizure
FMGForeign Medical Graduate
FVDfluid volume deficit
GREgradient echo
HATIPHIV & AIDS Treatment In Practice
HOTAHuman Organ Transplant Act
ICESInstitute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
ICFintermediate care facility; intracellular fluid
ICHPInstitute for Community Health Promotion
IDAPInternational Development and Aid Project (ArmA 3)
IDRidiosyncratic drug reaction
IICPincreased intracranial pressure
INMCIbn Nafees Medical Center
IPVVInfectious Pustular Vulvovaginitis Virus
ISMHInternational Society of Men’s Health
IVTPIn-Vessel Transfer Position
LGMleft upper outer gluteus maximus
LNLymph Node also Liquid Nitrogen
MCOCMedical Center of Ocean County
METBMichigan Endocrine Tissue Bank
MMCHMymensingh Medical College Hospital
MONAmorphine, oxygen, nitrates, aspirin
MVSmitral valve stenosis; motor, vascular, and sensory
NABSNormal Active Bowel Sounds
NBTNF/Mnewborn, term, normal, female/male
NMPCNorthwest Medical Physics Center
NOSMNorthern Ontario School of Medicine
NPSNational Prescribing Service
NRPNeonatal Res Provider
OBGObstetrics & Gynecology
OCPMOhio College of Podiatric Medicine
OMIof the Medical Investigator
PEFRpeak expiratory flow rate
PITCHPractical Ideas To Connect Healthcare
PMIPProfessional Medical Information Page
PMSHPampanga Medical Specialist Hospital
PSpulmonary stenosis; pressure support; pulmonic stenosis
PWAperson with AIDS
PsApsoriatic arthritis
QAquality assurance
RPMrevolutions per minute
RVRight Ventricle; Residual Volume
RVTright vastus lateralis
SACNScientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition
SAHATSouth Asian Health Assessment Tool
SCHASouth Country Health Alliance
SFTSolitary Fibrous Tumor
SOBOEshort of breath on exertion
SWBSubjective Well Being
TCNSTricyclic Neovibsanin Scaffold
TMTympanic Membrane; Maximum Temperature
U aunit a
UGTIUpper Genital Tract Infection
UUFUraemic Ultra- Filtrate
WAK1Wall-Associated Kinase 1
WMPAWest Midlands Physicians Association
bintwice a night (bis in noctis)
difdifferential blood count

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